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MOBIUS Announces Evergreen Project

Press Release: MOBIUS [April 5, 2011]

MOBIUS, a Missouri library consortium, has entered into an agreement to host and manage Evergreen, an open source integrated library system, for Poplar Bluff Public Library.

Poplar Bluff Public Library is located in Southeast Missouri in Poplar Bluff, MO and serves a population area of almost 25,000 residents. Poplar Bluff will be migrating from a TLC system to Evergreen in June, 2011.

Jackie Thomas, Director, states "The shared vision of the two organizations was the critical point in making the move. The library took more than a year to make the decision and evaluated several proposals. The future cost savings, flexibility of an open source system, and local involvement in creating the final product were key to making the move."

MOBIUS hosts and manages an Innovative Interfaces system for 57 academic libraries and the Missouri State Library. There are currently 62 member libraries, including 2 public libraries, who participate in the Union Catalog and use the InnReach system to lend and borrow materials across the state. MOBIUS is investigating ways for non-Innovative systems, such as Evergreen, to connect to the InnReach Union Catalog.

MOBIUS has contracted with Equinox to assist with the installation and migration of Evergreen and will provide training for MOBIUS staff to fully host and manage the Evergreen system.

"MOBIUS is looking forward to this exciting new venture and our partnership with Equinox and the Poplar Bluff Public Library," said Donna Bacon, MOBIUS Executive Director.

View Citation
Publication Year:2011
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:April 5, 2011
Company: MOBIUS
Products: Evergreen
Libraries: Poplar Bluff Public Library
Subject: System announcements -- selection
Record Number:15687
Last Update:2025-02-04 14:19:18
Date Created:2011-05-06 14:48:45