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More than fifty libraries and library systems live on EBSCO FOLIO Library Services Platform

Press Release: EBSCO Information Services [June 24, 2022]

Ipswich, MA — June 24, 2022. More than fifty universities and library systems across the globe have now adopted the full EBSCO FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP) or leveraged EBSCO FOLIO Electronic Resource Management (ERM) via EBSCO FOLIO Services. The sites and systems that have adopted EBSCO FOLIO have leveraged the implementation expertise, hosting and support services available through EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO). While most have implemented the full LSP, libraries and systems have also moved from existing ERM tools or instituted their first-ever ERM leveraging EBSCO FOLIO.

EBSCO FOLIO Services helps bring an open source option to systems of all sizes and staffing levels. EBSCO has created solutions to support the implementation and hosting needs of Academic Research Libraries, consortia and shared systems, medium and small colleges and universities, as well as community colleges. By supporting features such as multiple acquisitions units, multiple knowledge bases, complex location hierarchies, intricate circulation rules, and granular permissions, FOLIO is able to meet the needs of any system regardless of size, set up or dependencies.

These 50+ libraries have also benefited from integrations with existing EBSCO services and resources including EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), GOBI, EBSCONET, EBSCO's new analytics tool, Panorama and from EBSCO's partnerships with services such as OpenAthens. Sites and systems that have adopted the EBSCO FOLIO ERM can now manage the entire lifecycle of their library or system's electronic resources powered by the EBSCO Knowledge Base, allowing library staff to avoid manual entry of data and eliminate duplicate work.

EBSCO Information Services Director of FOLIO Consulting Services Anya Arnold says EBSCO's services are sophisticated enough to meet the needs of all consortia and libraries, whether they choose to leverage EBSCO FOLIO ERM or adopt the full platform. "EBSCO FOLIO Services provides an array of solutions for all library systems, including implementation, hosting and support. Our team provides reliable specialists available to any library or library system looking to adopt a new LSP, leverage the FOLIO open source solution and better manage electronic resources."

Current sites representing the more than 50 varied library systems include Five Colleges Consortium and Wellesley College to Missouri State University and Trinity College, Cambridge. A full list of sites live on FOLIO with EBSCO FOLIO Service is available at:

EBSCO is an initial founder of the FOLIO project and provides project management and development resources dedicated to the architecture of the FOLIO project. The FOLIO Community is made up of library professionals, vendors and developers who have come together to build an open source LSP that supports core library management functionality including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions and electronic resource management.


FOLIO is a collaborative effort among libraries, vendors, developers and consortia that leverages open source technology and a community-based effort to redefine library services and innovate based on library futures. By building on what libraries need and by leveraging library expertise as well as vendor capacity and velocity, FOLIO is designed to move libraries forward, build on the services they provide and redefine the role libraries play within their institution. FOLIO also levels the playing field and makes open source technology available to all institutions regardless of size or staffing. FOLIO brings vendors together to innovate and host services for customers and introduces open source as a service to libraries. To sign up to participate or receive more information, go to

About EBSCO Information Services

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the preeminent provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at:

View Citation
Publication Year:2022
Type of Material:Press Release
Language English
Issue:June 24, 2022
Publisher:EBSCO Information Services
Company: EBSCO Information Services
Products: FOLIO
Record Number:27444
Last Update:2025-02-05 06:01:42
Date Created:2022-06-24 11:26:34