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Electronic ordering. on the move

Library Systems Newsletter [August 1984]

The BOS (Book Ordering System) developed by the American Booksellers' Association was described in the July issue of LSN. Electronic ordering for libraries was the focus of several new product announcements at ALA.

Baker & Taylor demonstrated its BaTaSYSTEMS products and services. Due for release between July and October, the services include:

  • Title Search and Order: This allows a library to use any asynchronous terminal and modem to search B&T's title data base--by title, author, ISBN or LCCN, to prepare and transmit orders electronically, or save them for later review and editing and the production of paper orders if required. Thesystem identifies duplicate orders within a purchase order. The service costs $28 per hour plus telecommunications costs, and there is a minimum charge of $50 per month.
  • Full Acquisitions System: Requiring a personal computer with Ms/DOS or C/PM operating system, a single disk drive and a minimum of 10MB of hard disk storage, a modem and a printer, the full system provides online searching, preparation and transmission of orders, and local open order control, fund accounting and report preparation. The service costs $36 per hour plus communications costs and there is a minimum charge of $50 per month.
  • Title Confirmation Service: Utilizing an Apple, IBM or TRS 80 personal computer with a single disk drive, a modem and a printer, the title confirmation service allows simple book ordering by ISBN with number of copies required. ISBNs are automatically validated at the time of entry. The order is transmitted, toll free, to B&T and the bibliographic data is transmitted back to the library the next day so that title slips may be printed at the library. A fee of $325 per year covers the software lease, data transmission and communication costs, and receipt of the bibliographic data.

Bowker demonstrated its Book Acquisition System (BAS) aimed at both librarians and booksellers and designed to handle orders for monographs, microcomputer software, sound recordings, maps, teaching aids and audiovisual materials. The system utilizes Bowker s online files of Books in Print and its 15,000 item data base of publishers, distributors and wholesalers and the BRS online system. Orders are distributed in electronic form to vendors able to receive them that way. Other orders are printed at Bowker's facilities overnight and mailed First Class the morning after the order is placed. In normal operation, the system relies heavily on the use of ISBNs and SANs (Standard Address Numbers). Books can also be ordered by keying the title and publisher information. The system will also support the local printing of various management reports and statistics compilations. The system can be accessed using a standard terminal and modem.

Brodart showed its "Rose" Remote Ordering Electronic System. Books are ordered by entering the library's account number and purchase order number, the ISBN, and the number of copies required into a handheld, hand-sized terminal. When all orders are entered, the user dials a toll-free 800 number and transmits the orders to Brodart electronically. A confirmation notice is dispatched through the mail by Brodart the next day. If required, the library can also obtain printed, multiple-copy order forms by mail from Brodart. Annual lease of the unit is $275 and this includes the cost of the confirmation notices. The same service but with multiple copy order forms as well costs $325 annually. The Rose complements Brodart's OLAS family of online ordering and fund accounting services.

[Contacts: Baker & Taylor, 6 Kirby Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876 (201) 722-8000; Electronic Publishing Division, R.R. Bowker Company, 205 East 42 Street, New York, NY 10017 (212) 916- 1758; Brodart Company, 500 Arch Street, Williamsport, PA 17705 (800) 233-8467.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1984
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 4 Number 08
Issue:August 1984
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen, Contributing Editors
Company: Baker and Taylor
R. R. Bowker Co.
Brodart, Inc.
Subject: Acquisitions
Record Number:4065
Last Update:2024-09-14 09:52:44
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