Following final field testing of its SC350 microbased serials control system, OCLC is now working on the development of a microcomputer-based acquisition system, designated ACQ35O. The ACQ35O software, tailored for use on OCLC's M300 workstation, will support funds accounting, file maintenance, and offline report production with links to the OCLC Online System for bibliographic verification and name-address information. Users will be able to download this information from the central system and upload orders to the Direct Transmission service for the electronic ordering of items from vendors.
Scheduled for release in early 1986, ACQ35O will be designed to interact with SC3SO, the microbased serials control system and with LS/2000, OCLC's local automated library system. Other planned features include: automatic claims and cancellations, hierarchical funding structures, use of default records for constant data, accommodation of all MARC formats, and multiuser, multitasking capabilities. The software is being developed by Meta Micro Library Systems of San Antonio, Texas, the same company that developed the SC350software.
[Contact: OCLC, 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-0702.]