CL Systems Inc. has announced the availability of a new automated library system configuration designed to provide an affordable automation alternative for smaller libraries. Denoted "Sunrise," the system is designed for libraries with between 30,000 and 150,000 titles and up to 750,000 annual circulations. The system operates on a DEC LSI 11/7 3 CPU with Winchester disk drives. The configuration will support up to 16 terminals.
Three basic hardware packages are offered, comprising the CPU with 1MB of memory, 16 ports, a Winchester disk drive of 160, 300 or 600 MB, a streaming tape drive, a console printer, a printer, and an autoanswer device. Hardware prices for the three packages are $35,000, $45,000 and $55,000 respectively, with monthly hardware maintenance of ten percent of the purchase price. A standard installation fee of $2,000 applies to all three Sunrise systems. Terminals are supplied at extra cost. Standard CLSI terminal prices range from less than $1,000 to $5,000.
The LSI 11/73 will operate in a clean office environment with temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees. If these conditions are maintained, no extra environmental controls are required.
The system is expandable to four disk drives and a multiprocessor configuration is also possible. A system may not be able to support 16 terminals, however, because a single OPAC terminal requires computer resources equal to 3 to 4 circulation terminals.
The system will support all existing CLSI software-public Access Catalog II, circulation control, book acquisitions, materials booking and reserve room functions-and will accept standard software enhancements in future releases. The software is provided on an annual license fee basis, calculated on the number of terminals attached to the system. The license fee payment can be made annually, or in advance for periods of from three to five years. Discounts are offered for advance payments of the software license fee.
[Contact: CL Systems Inc., 1220 Washington Street, West Newton, MA 02165, (617) 965-6310.]