The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), formed during the midwinter meeting of ALA, has issued a news release proclaiming its purpose as "discussing, resolving, and communicating contemporary issues relating to all phases of serials management." The Group is seeking members from among all persons working with information in serials form: educators, librarians, serials publishers, subscription agents, bibliographers, binders, etc.
The Group proposes to avoid formal governing ties with existing related organizations and to rely on informal liaison with bodies such as the American Library Association and Special Library Association. It is intended that NASIG will refer to such organizations draft codes of ethics, statements of principle, and suggestions for new serials standards. Plans call for a two or three day annual conference to be held in different regional locations each year.
An open meeting of NASIG has been scheduled for the ALA 1985 Chicago conference. It will take place on July 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at DePaul University, Downtown Campus, Lewis Center, 25 E. Jackson, Room 1001 (one block from the Palmer House).
[Contact: Rebecca Lenzini, Co-Chair, NASIG, The Faxon Company, Inc., 15 Southwest Park, Westwood, MA 02090 or John F. Riddick, Co-Chair, NASIG, Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859.]