Geac Computers, Inc. has announced Release 2.6 of its PLUS automated library system. Public access features include expanded functionality of GeoWeb, Geac s Web-based public access catalog, including the ability to sort search results, expansion of the search limiting function, and improved support for multi-agency sites.
GeoWeb, which is also available for Geac's ADVANCE product, can be set up to limit access to material in a library's collection or expand access to Z39.50-compliant systems available through the Web. It supports simultaneous searching of multiple databases, access to electronic and multimedia resources on the Web, and patron self-service functions such as reviewing one's own circulation information, renewing items, placing holds, and submitting interlibrary loan requests.
Enhancements to the circulation module include alerts for arrived holds, improvements to circulation accounting, and new capabilities for the 3M self-charge interface to support checkin, renewal and payments. The release also incorporates enhancements to GeoCat, the graphical MARC cataloging client, and GeoPac, the search and retrieval graphical client.
Upgrade sales for both PLUS and ADVANCE continue to be strong with 18 North American libraries adopting GeoWeb in the past few months, and several others replacing hardware platforms. Sales to new customers ("new name" sales) continue to be weaker in the United States than in Europe. That appears to be the reason for the realignment of responsibility within the company with all U.S. sales, new and existing accounts now being handled by the Customer Sales staff, which had previously worked on existing accounts only.
[Contact: Geac Computers, Inc., 9 Technology Drive, Westborough, MA 01532; telephone 800-825-2574; FAX 508-871-6850; Web:]