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Elsevier acquires Endeavor

Library Systems Newsletter [May 2000]

Elsevier Science Inc., a major print and electronic publisher, has acquired Endeavor Information Systems Inc., the leading vendor of automated library systems for academic and special research libraries. Elsevier Science apparently was motivated by its desire to have a delivery vehicle for its growing list of electronic publications. Endeavor's Voyager system, which is installed in more than 600 research libraries, represents an opportunity to integrate access to Elsevier electronic publications with bibliographic access to the resources of these libraries.

Jane Burke, Endeavor's president, has frequently said she would like to achieve a seamless integration of local systems and online reference services. The acquisition by Elsevier Science appears to achieve that.

No management changes are envisioned at Endeavor, nor will the company relocate any of its 131 employees. Endeavor will continue as a corporate entity, so no existing customers need to replace their present contracts.

The acquisition came as a surprise to many customers: Many of Endeavor's employees who had been with NOTIS had joined Endeavor because it was an independent company. In addition, automated library system vendors have generally not fared well as the subsidiaries of multibillion-dollar companies.

CLSI chafed under International Thompson, CARL under Knight-Ridder, and Dynix and NOTIS under Ameritech Corp. The most successful automated library system companies have been entrepreneurial organizations not bound to a business plan overseen by another organization. It remains to be seen whether Endeavor will remain as fleet of foot as it has been since its founding in 1994.

[Contact: Endeavor Information Systems, Inc., 2200 F. Devon Ave., Suite 382, Des Plaines, IL 60018; (800) 762-6300; fax: (847) 296-5636; Web:]

View Citation
Publication Year:2000
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 20 Number 05
Issue:May 2000
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss, Contributing Editor
Company: Endeavor Information Systems, Inc.
Elsevier Science
Subject: Mergers and acquisitions
Record Number:7093
Last Update:2025-02-07 12:24:31
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00