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Automation option for school libraries

Library Systems Newsletter [June 1984]

Gaylord Bros., Inc., whose online catalog system was described in the previous issue of LSN, has now released software for automated library functions aimed specifically at the school library market. The Gaylord School Library Management System supports the automation of circulation, acquisitions and an online catalog. The software may be used on microcomputers which use the CP/M or MS/DOS operating systems. Systems using CP/M must be configured with 64 KB of internal memory; those with MS/DOS require 128 KB. Appropriate hardware includes the Apple II Plus, Apple lie, IBM PC and the Franklin Ace. Hard disk storage is required.

The circulation module handles check-in and checkout, the trapping of delinquent borrowers, fine accounting, the issuance of overdue and fine notices, and the identification of items to be placed on reserve. The online catalog module will accept the input of records from bibliographic utilities and other machine-readable files. It supports a variety of search options, including truncated and keyword searching and Boolean logic. This module also supports subject and author authority control. The acquisitions module identifies duplicate orders, outputs printed order forms, and supports fund accounting. As the system is not designed for multi-user, multi-function micros, only one module can be accessed at a time, and only by a single user.

The software package is priced at $1,495.00 and software maintenance is available for $200.00 a year.

[Contact: Gaylord Bros., Inc., Systems Division, Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221-1901; (800) 448—6160.]

View Citation
Publication Year:1984
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 4 Number 06
Issue:June 1984
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss and Judy McQueen, Contributing Editors
Company: Gaylord Information Systems
GIS Information Systems
Products: Gaylord School Library Management System
Subject: School library automation
Record Number:7265
Last Update:2025-02-04 13:29:42
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