Web Feet, a printed subject guide to the Internet that includes thousands of selected Web sites, now offers libraries the option of full-MARC bibliographic records for loading into a patron access catalog. MARC Link, a retrospective conversion vendor, catalogs the entire Web Feet database of formerly print-only content and offers the Web site selections with full descriptions taken from the guide, Library of Congress (LC) subject headings, and live links to the Internet. Users are then able to search for Web sites not only by any one of hundreds of Web Feet subject headings, but any LC subject heading.
The new service is priced at $495 per year for schools and $975 for public libraries. The package includes not only the back file, but monthly updates. The pricing is comparable with the pricing for the Web Feet subject guide.
Some 2,500 libraries are using Web Feet.
[Contact: Rockhill Communications; telephone: 888-R0CKRIL; Web: www.webfeetguides.com.]