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SISIS wins Rotterdam

Library Systems Newsletter [November 2000]

SISIS, a German automated library system vendor, has signed the Rotterdam Public Library, one of the largest in Europe. The new system will run on a Sun E450 server running Solaris. The product, which is named SunRise (similar to epixtech's choice of Horizon with Sunrise for its successor to Dynix and Horizon), includes acquisitions, serials control, cataloging, circulation, interlibrary loan, and patron-access catalog modules.

The sale is SISIS' third major public library win outside Germany in the past few months. That win is significant because the vendor has been considering entry into the North American market but has held off until it establishes a firm footing in Europe outside Germany.

SISIS has not yet translated its Web site,, into English, so calling them by telephone or fax is easier.

[Contact: SISIS, tel: 011-49-89-61308318, fax: 011-49-89-61308392]

View Citation
Publication Year:2000
Type of Material:Article
Language English
Published in: Library Systems Newsletter
Publication Info:Volume 20 Number 11
Issue:November 2000
Publisher:American Library Association
Place of Publication:Chicago, IL
Notes:Howard S. White, Editor-in-Chief; Richard W. Boss, Contributing Editor
Company: Sisis Informationssysteme
Products: Sunrise
Libraries: Rotterdam Public Library
Record Number:8160
Last Update:2025-02-07 09:27:06
Date Created:0000-00-00 00:00:00