Library Technology Guides

Documents, Databases, News, and Commentary

Abbaye de Saint Wandrille. ( Saint-Wandrille-Rançon, France) [Koha -- BibLibre] +

Aberdeen, ID. ( Aberdeen, Idaho United States) Display all the libraries participating in: Library Consortium of Eastern Idaho [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

Abilene, KS. ( Abilene, Kansas United States) Display all the libraries participating in: North Central Kansas Library System [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

Africa University. ( Mutare, Zimbabwe) [Koha -- Independent] +

Aga Khan Library. ( London, England United Kingdom) [Koha -- Dataly] +

Agricultural University of Athens. Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών ( Athens, Greece) Display all the libraries participating in: Heal-Link [Koha -- Dataly]

Ajax, ON. ( Ajax, Ontario Canada) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

Alamosa, CO. ( Alamosa, Colorado United States) Display all the libraries participating in: AspenCat [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

Alberta Bible College. ( Calgary, Alberta Canada) Display all the libraries participating in: Southern Alberta Libraries of Theology [Koha -- Equinox]

Aliat Universidades. ( Ciudad de Mexico, Distrito Federal Mexico) [Koha -- Infoestrategica] +

Allegany, NY. ( Allegany, New York United States) Display all the libraries participating in: Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

Altadena, CA. ( Altadena, California United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

American Academy in Rome. ( Rome, Italy) Display all the libraries participating in: VuFind [Koha -- ByWater Solutions]

American Alpine Club. ( Golden, Colorado United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

American College of Thessaloniki. ( Thessaloniki, Greece) [Koha -- Independent] +

American Falls, ID. ( American Falls, Idaho United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

American University -- Dubai. ( Dubai, United Arab Emirates) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

American University of Madaba. ( Madaba, Jordan) [Koha -- Independent] +

American University of Nigeria. ( Yola, Nigeria) [Koha -- Independent] +

Amherst County, VA. ( Amherst, Virginia United States) [Koha -- ByWater Solutions] +

Consortia indicates that the library participates in a consortium for its automation system.