Library Technology Guides

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ProQuest: mergers and acquisitions

ProQuest corporate profile Ex Libris corporate profile Innovative corporate profile ProQuest acquires Innovative Interfaces Ex Libris acquires RapidILL from Colorado State University Innovative Interfaces acquires Polaris Library Systems Innovative Interfaces acquires VTLS Innovative Interfaces acquires SLS Information Systems ProQuest acquires Ex Libris ProQuest acquires oMbeil and its campusM platform ProQuest acquires SIPX Ex Libris acquires Endeavor Information Systems Ex Libris acquires DABIS ProQuest acquires RefWorks ProQuest acquires WebFeat R.R. Bowker acquires AquaBrowser Library from Medialab Solutions ProQuest acquires Serials Solutions ProQuest acquires Alexander Street Press ProQuest acquires Coutts from Ingram Content Group ProQuest acquires Pi2 Solutions ProQuest acquires Ebook Library (EBL) ProQuest acquires ebrary ProQuest acquires Dialog Cambridge Information Group merges Cambridge Scientific Abstracts with ProQuest Information and Learning to form a single company called ProQuest. Cambridge Information Group acquires R.R. Bowker from Reed Elsevier ProQuest Information and Learning acquires SIRS Publishing ProQuest Information and Learning acquires Micromedia Limited Bell & Howell Company acquires Chadwyck-Healey