Library Technology Guides

Current News Service and Archive

January 15, 2025

Axiell Les musées de Paris ont choisi Axiell pour leur gestion des collections. Axiell, le principal fournisseur mondial de logiciels et de services pour le secteur culturel, annonce le déploiement de son système flexible de gestion des collections basé sur le web, Axiell Collections, au sein de l'Établissement Public Paris Musées. Paris Musées, qui regroupe 14 musées et sites patrimoniaux répartis dans la ville de Paris, est responsable d'une collection de plus d'un million d'œuvres, désormais gérées via Axiell Collections. Ce projet a également permis de rendre 400 000 objets accessibles au public via le site web de Paris Musées. [Full Announcement].

November 26, 2024

Axiell Axiell celebrates over 300 libraries using Quria as their library services platform. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, announces that over 300 libraries across Europe are now using Axiell's Quria solution as their library services platform of choice. Launched in 2017, Quria is a comprehensive library services platform where all resources and workflows can be managed centrally. Quria offers, among many other things, a range of features that help libraries to automatically maintain an attractive offer on different devices, quickly adapt to changing needs, optimise shelf space and evaluate stock usage efficiently. The bibliographic information is handled in a ground-breaking metadata model based entirely on linked data according to IFLA-LRM and RDA.Drammen Public Library in Norway, the first library to go live with Quria. [Full Announcement].

July 3, 2024

Axiell Axiell launches AI Tool to enrich cultural databases and enhance linked data. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces the launch of its AI Tool for collections database enrichment. The Tool provides curatorial and collections management teams with cutting-edge technology to analyze and enhance Collections and Thesauri records over 10 times faster than a human, supporting records enrichment with speed at an unprecedented scale. To ensure alignment with market needs, the Tool has been developed in close collaboration with Axiell's customer community. [Full Announcement].

June 19, 2024

Axiell Axiell Group appoints Sebastian Svärdebrandt as new CIO. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, announced the appointment of Sebastian Svärdebrandt as Chief Information Officer. In this new role, Sebastian will oversee the technical strategy and development to ensure transformational initiatives globally to drive scalability. [Full Announcement].

April 5, 2024

Axiell Axiell announces changes to board of directors. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces significant changes to its Board of Directors. Following the decision made at the Axiell Group Annual General Meeting on April 5, 2024, Joel Sommerfeldt, former President and CEO, assumes the role of Chairman of the Board. Mats Hentzel, the main owner and former Chairman, will continue as a board member, concentrating on matters related to ownership. [Full Announcement].

March 13, 2024

Axiell Malmö stad storsatsar på användarvänlighet och väljer Quria och WeLib till nya skolbibliotekssystem. Malmö stad väljer molnbaserade Quria samt WeLib för att effektivisera och öka användarvänligheten för både elever och personal på sina 80 skolbibliotek. I Malmö stad finns omkring 100 kommunala grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildningar vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att stärka elevernas digitala kompetens och språkliga förmåga. För att kunna möta de komplexa förutsättningar och varierande behov som råder inom verksamheten ställs höga krav på effektivitet och användarvänlighet. Här kommer Quria tillsammans med WeLib ge en smidig helhetslösning; Quria för bibliotekspersonal och WeLib för låntagare. [Full Announcement].

November 21, 2023

Axiell New CEO for Axiell: accelerating industry leadership through improved access to world's collective knowledge. Axiell is now entering an exciting new era led by a new management team and board. Maria Wasing is promoted to President and CEO of Axiell Group AB. The focus is to drive the extensive digital transformation that is taking place in the cultural sector by expanding access to cultural heritage and the collective knowledge of libraries, archives and museums globally. Joel Sommerfeldt, former President and CEO, will become the new Chairman of the Board as of the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Former Chairman of the Board and main owner Mats Hentzel will continue on the Board as Vice Chairman with a focus on ownership issues. [Full Announcement].

September 11, 2023

Axiell Axiell Group appoints Henrik Béen as new CPO. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, appoints Henrik Béen as Chief Product Officer, responsible for the Group's product and platform portfolio. In this newly established role, the CPO is tasked with managing the vision and strategic direction for Axiell's products, ensuring that the cultural ecosystem Axiell is envisioning delivers value to customers every day. The role will strengthen Axiell's scalable product portfolio to drive digital transformation for museums, archives, libraries, and schools, meeting their needs for today and anticipating their requirements for growth tomorrow. Henrik will assume his role on October 1, 2023, and will be part of Axiell's Group management team. [Full Announcement].

August 15, 2023

Axiell Axiell launches mobile app for libraries to boost patron engagement. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, launches the Axiell Library App powered by Solus, an app that simplifies patron engagement with the library and saves time for library staff. The app expands Axiell's library software platform offer, further strengthening the company's position as the foremost full-service software vendor driving digital transformation for libraries across the world. [Full Announcement].

May 10, 2023

Axiell Axiell Gains ISO 27001 Certification for IT Security. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, officially received their ISO 27001 certification on April 19, 2023. ISO 27001 is a leading international security standard that outlines the requirements for building and maintaining a robust information security management system (ISMS). As one of the first cultural technology vendors to be certified, this achievement demonstrates Axiell's leadership in the sector, and its dedication to digital security and sustainability. [Full Announcement].

March 14, 2023

Axiell Axiell announces agreement to divest Axiell Media to Publizon. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announced an agreement to divest Axiell Media AB, a business within Axiell and the leading provider for distribution of e-media and streamed media in Sweden and Finland, to Publizon A/S. The divestment is expected to be fully executed in March. Axiell Media creates access to digital books, across all platforms, in Sweden and Finland. The company was acquired by Axiell in 2015 and has since grown to serve more than 1000 publishers, distributing e-books and streamed books to retailers, libraries and schools in Sweden and Finland. [Full Announcement].

December 5, 2022

Axiell Axiell Collections chosen by National Library of Norway to manage Norway's largest collection of audiovisual materials. Axiell announced that the National Library of Norway has chosen Axiell Collections for collections management, Axiell's workflow automation tool, Axiell Flow, to ensure efficiency in daily operations, and Axiell DAMS powered by Piction, Axiell's Digital Asset Management system, to streamline management of all types of audiovisual digital content. [Full Announcement].

April 25, 2022

Axiell Axiell's Quria platform chosen by Viken Fylke to strengthen cooperation in the region. Axiell, the leading software vendor for public libraries in Europe, announces new customers for Axiell Quria in Norway. Earlier this year, Viken County Library, in partnership with 22 municipalities and all the upper secondary schools in the county, issued a tender to choose a new library system. Viken County Library chose Axiell's cloud-based platform Quria and Quria Discover. Through this partnership, Quria will now serve nearly 700 000 inhabitants. [Full Announcement].

March 23, 2022

Axiell Axiell's EMu Collections Management Software chosen by second University of Arizona division. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, today announces the expansion of its EMu Collections Management System within the University of Arizona. The Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum joins Arizona State Museum as a fellow EMu user within the University of Arizona. EMu has gained international acclaim with natural history institutions for it's flexible and comprehensive management of multidisciplinary collections. The adoption of EMu will further establish the Alfie Norville Gem and Mineral Museum as a world class institution focused on digital innovation to power mineral and gem education and outreach. [Full Announcement].

February 22, 2022

Axiell Axiell's Film Archive Collections Management software chosen by Eye Filmmuseum. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces that Eye Filmmuseum has chosen Axiell's collections management platform, Axiell Collections, to manage their vast collection to the international EN 15907 film archive standard. The Archive has also chosen two integrated Axiell Collections add-on products to deepen their use of the system. Axiell Move will be used to handle object movements across their storage facility which holds over 250,000 film cans and 600,000 other objects. Axiell's Collections Online offering will be used to create an intranet that facilitates internal search and reading requests for their 32,000 film books. [Full Announcement].

January 18, 2022

Axiell Axiell acquires Enisoft and adds library app to the portfolio. Axiell announced the acquisition of Enisoft, a Finnish library mobile app provider. Enisoft is the leading app developer for public libraries in Finland, serving 45 municipalities including Helmet and PIKI Libraries. The acquisition is driven by Axiell's expansion strategy, focusing and strengthening its offer in the public library and education industry. The app will be integrated with Axiell's sustainable and digital-first cloud-based library services platform, Quria. As a result, the acquisition advances Axiell's technology platform, expanding the offer with a market-proven solution for public libraries to engage and communicate with their patrons in a relevant and efficient way. [Full Announcement].

January 4, 2022

Axiell Axiell announces agreement to acquire Infor Library and Information Solutions business and expand global presence. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, today announced an agreement to acquire Infor Library & Information Solutions, a business within Infor, the industry cloud company. The acquisition is expected to close in February. The Infor Library & Information Solutions business delivers solutions and services to the library sector and serves more than 180 customers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The acquisition is driven by Axiell's expansion strategy, focusing and strengthening its offer in the public library and education industry. [Full Announcement].

November 1, 2021

Axiell Axiell's integrated MuseTech Ecosystem chosen by the Historic New Orleans Collection. Axiell announced that The Historic New Orleans Collection has chosen Axiell's collections management platform, Axiell Collections, and collections online product, Arena, to centralize their collections data and boost efficiency across the institution. These platforms will be integrated with THNOC's digital asset management system, Piction.In January 2021, Axiell announced a partnership with Piction and the two companies now collaborate on a shared production roadmap for the benefit of companies like THNOC that seek to connect, streamline and enrich data across platforms in their institution. The integration with Piction is now part of Axiell's standard CMS application. [Full Announcement].

October 6, 2021

Axiell Timrå Library chooses Quria and invests in improving accessibility for the municipality's residents. Timrå Library has chosen Axiell's cloud-based platform, Quria, and discovery tool, Arena, to streamline the work of library staff. The goal is to increase accessibility for the municipality's 17,963 residents. [Full Announcement].

September 30, 2021

Axiell Axiell launches cloud-based workflow automation solution for museums, archives and libraries. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces the launch of a new cloud product, Axiell Flow. Axiell Flow is a workflow solution that automates internal processes to give museum, archive and library staff more time to focus on their areas of expertise. Based on museum and archive procedural and data standards, Axiell Flow is designed to ensure that processes involving collections care, cataloguing, access, and use can be followed effectively, whether users are at their desks or on the move. [Full Announcement].