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December 12, 2024

Biblionix Library automation leader Biblionix launches advanced Events & Rooms Management system for public libraries. Biblionix, a leading provider of cloud-based library management systems, today announced the launch of its Events & Rooms Management System. This new addition to the Apollo platform streamlines the coordination of library events and room bookings through an intuitive interface designed specifically for public libraries. The system introduces separate tabs for events and rooms, automated fee management, and customizable terms, allowing libraries to efficiently manage their room spaces and programming. It seamlessly integrates with library calendars, enabling both staff and patrons to view availability, book spaces, and receive automated reminders. [Full Announcement].

September 26, 2024

Biblionix Library automation leader Biblionix launches redesigned website. Biblionix, a leading provider of cloud-based library management systems, announced the launch of its redesigned website. The new website offers an enhanced user experience, making it easier for visitors to find information about the company's products and services, and features a dedicated Trending Features section showcasing the latest innovations in library automation. [Full Announcement].

June 4, 2024

Biblionix Library Automation Leader Biblionix offers security and privacy to subscribing libraries. Biblionix announced its steadfast commitment to providing unmatched security and privacy features to its subscribing libraries throughout the United States. With a focus on serving libraries exclusively, Biblionix ensures that their needs remain the sole focus of the company's efforts. Biblionix achieves this comprehensive security through a multi-layered approach. [Full Announcement].

March 9, 2024

Biblionix Biblionix FlexShare Consortia helps library partners share resources while retaining autonomy. Biblionix, a leading provider of cloud-based library management systems, today announced the continued innovation of its FlexShare Consortia, a unique program that empowers libraries to share resources with other institutions while retaining complete autonomy over their own operations. FlexShare allows libraries to create custom consortia with select partners, enabling patrons to search and request materials from other libraries within the consortium, all using their home library card. This collaborative approach expands access to a wider range of resources without the complexities and costs associated with traditional consortial models. [Full Announcement].

February 9, 2024

Biblionix Biblionix unveils self-guided demos for Apollo and Artemis library management systems. Biblionix, a leading provider of cloud-based library management systems, today announced the launch of self-guided demos for its flagship library management systems, Apollo and Artemis. These interactive demos offer librarians a convenient and comprehensive way to explore the features and benefits of both systems, empowering them to make informed decisions about their library's technology needs. [Full Announcement].

December 6, 2023

Biblionix Biblionix retools school libraries with Artemis library automation software tailored for educational excellence. Biblionix, a leading provider of cloud-based library management systems, today announced the availability of its Artemis library automation software for schools. Artemis is a powerful and easy-to-use solution that provides schools with similar high-end tools used in Apollo public libraries, plus incredible customer support from a team of experts. [Full Announcement].

September 6, 2023

Biblionix Biblionix revolutionizes library services with seamless access to e-books, databases, and more. For more than 17 years, the innovative and dynamic focus and commitment of Biblionix has been helping public and school libraries manage and deliver information, and maximize the library's user-friendly efficiency. Now it gets even better, easier, and more convenient, because Biblionix revolutionizes library services with seamless access to select vendors e-Books, Databases, and more. Biblionix makes it fast, direct, and delightful. Easy access to e-Books, Databases, and more is consistent with the Biblionix commitment to provide libraries with the best possible and most up-to-date and effective automation software. [Full Announcement].

August 12, 2023

Biblionix Library automation leader Biblionix celebrating 17th Year in business. Biblionix, the industry-respected developer of leading-edge and easy-to-use library automation systems for public and school libraries, continues to earn rave reviews from Biblionix clients. Particularly about how the state-of-the-art technology and systems continue to achieve user-friendly efficiency. [Full Announcement].

May 24, 2023

Biblionix Biblionix offers award-winning automation software to public libraries. Library efficiency is the vital focus of Biblionix, the innovative and respected developer of public library automation systems. After much research and collaboration with libraries and library professionals, Biblionix offers efficient, easy-to-use, and award-winning automation software to Public Libraries. Biblionix proves that an ILS is a straightforward way to connect patrons, public library systems, and their collections. It saves time and prevents errors. It is not only how Biblionix continues to win awards for its Apollo and Artemis automation services, but the 99.3+% customer retention rate is a testimonial to the Biblionix effectiveness [Full Announcement].

January 11, 2022

Biblionix Fresh, Gallery View in Apollo Catalogs. The Apollo® LSP public catalog has a new look. We've added “Gallery View” for search results. This is in addition to the existing List view. Library staff can decide which view to use or allow patrons to choose. This is available immediately at no charge to Apollo customers who have a catalog enhancement option. [Full Announcement].

January 4, 2022

Biblionix FlexShare is new moniker for VersaCard and VersaCat. Biblionix today has renamed VersaCat and VersaCard. “FlexShare Consortia” now takes center stage. [Full Announcement].

February 23, 2021

Biblionix Apollo LSP boosted with Advanced Reserves and Library of Things. Biblionix announced Advanced Reserve and Library of Things (LoT) capabilities for its Apollo ILS/LSP. Libraries can choose to implement either one or both on anything in their Apollo catalogs. [Full Announcement].

November 30, 2020

Biblionix Biblionix fee reductions and COVID-19. Biblionix's subscription model is helping libraries with COVID-19 related budget challenges. If usage of the Apollo ILS is lower, normal company policy is to reduce fees at renewal time to match the actual usage over the previous 12 months. This is counter to common behavior of other vendors; locking-in prices for years, and in some cases applying automatic yearly increases. [Full Announcement].

September 21, 2020

Biblionix Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library Launches New and Improved Online Catalog. The Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library invites residents to explore the new and improved online library catalog [Full Announcement].

June 2, 2020

Biblionix Biblionix Announces a Battery of COVID-19 Coping Tools. Biblionix today announced the completion of its Mobile Checkout capability for the Apollo® ILS/LSP. This brings the number of closure and partial-closure tools that are now available to all Apollo customers to eighteen. All are free of charge. [Full Announcement].

April 27, 2020

Biblionix Biblionix announces Quarantine Capability. Biblionix announced a quarantine capability for its Apollo® ILS/LSP. Returned items, checked in by staff, can be isolated for any number of days. [Full Announcement].

July 30, 2019

Biblionix Biblionix announces Reserve Express enhancements for media and series. Biblionix announced that its ground-breaking Reserve Express capability has been significantly enhanced. The Apollo ILS/LSP Reserve Express feature has allowed patrons to subscribe to their favorite authors for receiving new titles. Whenever staff catalogs such new books, they simply click a button to add all subscribers to the reserve list, in random order. This lets patrons rest easy and not be concerned with the arrival timing of new books; as subscribers, they know they’ll receive them. And staff need not maintain manual lists of subscribers. [Full Announcement].

February 11, 2019

Biblionix Biblionix announces the Dashboard for its Apollo ILS/LSP. Biblionix announced that a new staff interface is available for its Apollo LSP at no charge. The Dashboard brings a sleek, contemporary look to staff’s primary access/home page. It provides unprecedented access to key information with up-to-the-minute status. Tabs are managed internally to the Dashboard allowing for features like auto-restore and precise labeling. [Full Announcement].

July 10, 2018

Biblionix Biblionix announces Kids' Catalog version for its Apollo ILS/LSP. Biblionix announced the availability of a “Kids' Catalog” option for the award-winning Apollo ILS/LSP. It allows children to browse and discover materials related to their age-level. Each library chooses what classes of materials are made accessible through the new catalog. And optional links to toggle between the general catalog and the Kids' Catalog can be deployed. An example image of the new catalog is shown below and a live version is accessible here. [Full Announcement].

June 4, 2018

Biblionix Biblionix announces Inter-Library Reserves for VersaCard Ad Hoc Consortia. Biblionix announced that cross-library reserve capability is available for its unique, bottom-up consortium solution; VersaCard virtual consortia. VersaCard virtual consortia functionality is available with the Apollo ILS/LSP and breaks out of the box of normal consortial architecture. [Full Announcement].