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March 16, 2021

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld announces new integrated library system called WikiLibrary. WikiLibrary Basic is available immediately: designed for smaller libraries requiring professional features found in larger systems. It's easy to use and packed with powerful features that make managing a collection simple and fun. A standard and premium level will be available later this year for most standard size libraries. [Full Announcement].

November 14, 2013

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld Introduces a New Two Tier Pricing Model. LibraryWorld will be announcing a new two tier pricing model. The new Standard service is the result of hundreds of requests to provide a small basic service for a variety of environments including: school classrooms, professional office centers, and academic collections. The new free ‘Standard' service will be available with limited storage and be supported by online ads. The new Standard service will include a limit of 500 records per library and restrict sharing of book jacket images and permissions. But generally, all management and OPAC features will be available to this free ‘Ad' supported service. [Full Announcement].

January 27, 2010

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld allows Librarians to customize. LibraryWorld, a leading Web-based library and collection management system, has expanded user options for customizing catalog reports, patron lists, and overdue letter reports. These enhancements are immediately available to new customers and the more than 2,000 libraries who manage their collections using LibraryWorld’s secure online portal. [Full Announcement].

October 24, 2007

LibraryWorld Version 2.0 Shown at AASL in Reno, Nevada. LibraryWorld Version 2 was announced which adds book jacket covers, reserves, global changes, and a powerful new search engine to the already robust online service. Now hosting more than 1,000 libraries worldwide, LibraryWorld users can share and update book jackets in their personal libraries. Version 2.0 is scheduled for release at the end of 2007. All current users will automatically be upgraded to the new release as part of their normal subscription service. [Full Announcement].

August 8, 2007

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld standard service now provides up to 100 megabytes of storage. The LibraryWorld Standard Service, priced at $365 per library per year, had been upgraded to include 100 megabytes of storage. The standard service contains all the modules in the system, including: cataloging, patron management, circulation, reports, inventory, serials tracking, permissions and settings. The standard storage of 100 megabytes is equivalent to approximately 50,000 catalog records. Additional storage can be purchased to handle larger collections. [Full Announcement].

June 20, 2007

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld Hits 700, Scanners and Hint at new Fall Release. The, service now has about 700 active libraries. This means 700 libraries paying the annual subscription service fee. Many other libraries use the trial version without cost. [Full Announcement].

May 10, 2007

LibraryWorld MARC Database Updated. The internal MARC database within LibraryWorld has been updated to include Library of Congress records cataloged in 2005 and 2006. Overall, the database includes nearly 3 million records licensed from the Library of Congress for use in The company we will be implementing a Z39.50 protocol that will allow searching and pulling into your collection records from a large number of internet connected libraries. [Full Announcement].

March 7, 2007

LibraryWorld passes 500 mark. LibraryWorld, Inc. announced that its Web library hosting service just passed the 500 mark within the first full year of service. Over 500 libraries now use the Web site to automate with no need for expensive hardware, software or networking nightmares. LibraryWorld provides a breakthrough technology and pioneering approach to automating libraries. [Full Announcement].

January 24, 2007

LibraryWorld Checkout by Patron Name. In the LibraryWorld circulation module, items can now be checked out to a patron by using the patron's name as well as the patron's number. When in checkout mode, enter the patron's number or enter the patron's last name. If there are multiple patrons with the last name, a list will appear to choose the correct full name. [Full Announcement].

January 14, 2007

LibraryWorld Direct OPAC Access. The Online Patron Catalog module has replaced the standard search only module within the LibraryWorld navigation panel. This allows you to quickly view exactly what patrons see when searching the library. After entering a library, you are now placed in the catalog module by default. Former library home page elements for news, links and subscription information have been moved to the default catalog page display. [Full Announcement].

December 26, 2006

LibraryWorld New Quick Add. The very popular Quick Add function has been merged with the 'New Record' command and enhanced to allow very fast cataloging. Just click on the New Record link in the Catalog Module and you can add new records by searching our database, hand entering, or importing records. [Full Announcement].

November 30, 2006

LibraryWorld Range Searching. now allows range searching of any indexed field in the catalog module. Just click on the range search link in the catalog module, select an index and enter the 'From' and 'To' terms. Range searches of character strings and numbers are supported. All reports and label generation can be limited to the range search findset. [Full Announcement].

September 24, 2006

LibraryWorld LibraryWorld, Inc. Moves To Internet Hub. During the month of October 2006, CASPR successfully transferred all its operations over to the same location as the Internet's West Coast switching location called MAE West. We did this to insure that our servers had the best direct access to the Internet. With this move, there is no limit to the growth potential of the LibraryWorld service, in terms of traffic and service reliability. The new location includes server farms and offices for some of the Internet's best known names. [Full Announcement].

September 7, 2006

LibraryWorld Version 1.3 installed - Uses no Frames. The latest upgrade to LibraryWorld removed all frames from the standard user interface. This allows a wider variety of Web browsers to use the service and simplifies the user interface to a great extent. Many minor enhancements have also be included in this release. [Full Announcement].

July 20, 2006

LibraryWorld New Version of OPAC. The LibraryWorld Online Patron Access Program (OPAC) was upgraded to a new release that includes many new features and an enhanced user interface. Book spine and pocket label printing was upgraded to support a wider range of Web browsers and printers. [Full Announcement].

Winter 1999

CASPR, Inc.. School and business libraries go online: a dollar-a-day brings school and business libraries on to the World Wide Web homework research was never this easy. CASPR Library Systems, Inc., is bringing school libraries into the wired-world with its new product, LibraryCom, the first complete Internet library web hosting and directory system. For less than four-hundred dollars a year, school libraries can have their complete library catalog on the LibraryCom web site with complete keyword, author, title and subject searching. A web directory provides access to any number of selected libraries on the system including the Library of Congress. [Full Announcement].

Fall 1999

CASPR, Inc.. Cross platform pricing for Mac and Windows library systems: libraries can now use either Macintosh or Windows computers to automate their libraries at the same low price. CASPR Library Systems, Inc., announced a reduction in the price and complexity of automating libraries using mixed computer environments with an all-in-one cross-platform pricing for LibraryWorld Bronze, Silver and Gold. When purchasing CASPR''s leading library automation product, each customer will receive software that runs on both Macintosh and Windows computers, making it unnecessary to purchase separate products. [Full Announcement].

November 18, 1998

CASPR, Inc.. CASPR ships newest version of LibraryWorld: LibraryWorld 98 provides dozens of new features for libraries of all types and sizes. [Full Announcement].

March 3, 1997

Caspr, Inc.. New powerful force in school library automation CASPR Inc. licenses LibraryWorld '97 to Chancery Software Ltd.. [Full Announcement].

June 9, 1996

CASPR, Inc.. CASPR Announces LibraryNet-- an Internet Library WEB Server: Libraries can now publish their collections through the Web. [Full Announcement].