found 154 items where the company or product is Lucidea. Showing page 1 of 8. |
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August 14, 2024
Experience Lucidea's Archival CMS ArchivEra at SAA 2024. Lucidea, provider of ArchivEra archival collections management software is sponsoring and attending the Society of American Archivists conference on August 14th through 17th. [Full Announcement].
July 19, 2024
Lucidea brings ILS and KM updates to AALL 2024 Annual Conference. Lucidea, developer of market-leading ILS and KM software SydneyDigital, GeniePlus, and Presto will attend this year's American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) annual conference from July 20th through 23rd, 2024 in Chicago, IL. [Full Announcement].
July 16, 2024
Lucidea attending SLA 2024 Conference with exciting new ILS updates. Lucidea, developer of market-leading ILS and KM software SydneyDigital, GeniePlus, and Presto will attend this year's Special Libraries Association Conference on July 14-16 in Kingston, RI. [Full Announcement].
July 6, 2024
Lucidea announces SydneyDigital, the ILS for a digital-first world. Lucidea has announced that SydneyEnterprise, the leading ILS leveraged daily by global clients for over 35 years, is now SydneyDigital. With SydneyDigital, Lucidea's special library clients enjoy a suite of innovative capabilities to manage both physical and digital knowledge assets, delivering a single venue for all their organizational intelligence, no matter where it resides, or what form it takes. [Full Announcement].
April 26, 2024
Lucidea Press releases new museum CMS title Demystifying Data Preparation. Lucidea has announced that museum expert Rachael Cristine Woody's new book, Demystifying Data Preparation for a New CMS, is available. The latest publication from Lucidea Press offers pragmatic advice from Ms. Woody, a seasoned museum expert, consultant, and author, blogger, and popular webinar presenter. This book outlines how to prepare museum content for migration to a new museum collections management system through a process of data evaluation, data remediation, and data preparation. [Full Announcement].
April 23, 2024
Lucidea, developer of ArchivEra CMS, to sponsor MAC 2024. Lucidea, leader in innovative collections management software solutions for archives and provider of ArchivEra, will sponsor and participate in the Midwest Archives Conference on May 2 through 4, 2024, in Des Moines, IA. [Full Announcement].
April 9, 2024
Lucidea's Argus CMS at CMA Conference 2024. Lucidea, developer of the Argus Web CMS and leader in innovative museum collections management software, will participate in the Canadian Museum Association conference on April 9-11, 2024. Their powerful software is a perfect fit for museum professionals focused on building an inclusive cultural community, collaborating with peers, and engaging online visitors. [Full Announcement].
November 7, 2023
Lucidea to sponsor ARCS 2023 with Argus CMS. Lucidea, developer of Argus and leader in innovative museum collections management is a proud sponsor of the ARCS conference on November 7-10, 2023 in Montreal. [Full Announcement].
November 3, 2023
KMWorld 2023 Gold Sponsor Lucidea Presenting Unmatched KM Software. Lucidea, developer of a full portfolio of powerful knowledge management solutions, will bring Presto to KMWorld on November 6 through 9, along with its other market-leading KM and library automation software used worldwide by leading corporations, professional services firms, heritage institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits. [Full Announcement].
October 18, 2023
Lucidea, developer of ArchivEra CMS, to sponsor MARAC Fall 2023 Conference. Lucidea, leader in innovative collections management software solutions for archives and provider of ArchivEra, will attend the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference on October 19-21. [Full Announcement].
July 14, 2023
Lucidea's Archival CMS ArchivEra at Hybrid SAA 2023. Lucidea, provider of ArchivEra archival collections management software is sponsoring and attending the Society of American Archivists conference on July 26th through 29th. [Full Announcement].
July 12, 2023
Lucidea bringing ILS and KM updates to AALL 2023 Annual Conference. Lucidea, developer of market-leading ILS and KM software SydneyEnterprise, GeniePlus, and Presto will attend this year's American Association of Law Libraries annual conference from July 15th through 18th, 2023 in Boston, MA. [Full Announcement].
July 1, 2023
Lucidea Press releases new digital projects title for museum professionals. Lucidea announced that museum expert Rachael Cristine Woody's new book, Prepare for Takeoff: Get Your Museum Digital Project Off the Ground, is now available. The latest publication from Lucidea Press offers pragmatic advice from Ms. Woody, a seasoned museum expert, consultant and author, regular blogger, and popular webinar presenter. [Full Announcement].
June 23, 2023
Lucidea's Archival CMS ArchivEra at ACA 2023. Lucidea, provider of ArchivEra archival collections management software is attending and sponsoring the Association of Canadian Archivists conference on June 28th through July 1st. Lucidea's innovative and adaptable archival collections management solutions enable researchers and the public to connect with the precious materials (traditional, digitized, and born-digital) archivists work hard to preserve. The powerful and versatile capabilities of ArchivEra make Lucidea a valued technology partner in the archives community. [Full Announcement].
May 9, 2023
Lucidea's Argus CMS at AMaGa's Conference 2023. Lucidea, developer of the Argus Web CMS and leader in innovative museum collections management software, will participate in the AMaGA National Conference on 16 through 19 May. Their powerful software is a perfect fit for attendees focused on building a solid foundation for the future with a sustainable collections management system. [Full Announcement].
April 25, 2023
Lucidea, Developer of ArchivEra CMS, to Sponsor MARAC Spring 2023 Conference. Lucidea, leader in innovative collections management software solutions for archives and provider of ArchivEra, will sponsor the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference on April 26 through 28. [Full Announcement].
April 7, 2021
Lucidea joins forces with Bailey Solutions; expands UK and EU presence. Lucidea, parent company to a portfolio of market-leading knowledge management, library automation, and collections management software products welcomes Bailey Solutions, Ltd. into their family of companies. [Full Announcement].
March 2, 2020
Lucidea to Release Latest Client-Driven KM and ILS Software Updates. Lucidea, parent company to a full portfolio of market-leading knowledge management and library automation solutions, will soon announce a new release and enhancements to its powerful collaborative KM platform, Inmagic Presto, and a new alerts feature in the latest release of SydneyEnterprise and GeniePlus—library automation for special libraries of all sizes and budgets. [Full Announcement].
December 19, 2019
Lucidea's Year in Review: Product Enhancements, Artificial Intelligence, and new books from Lucidea Press. Lucidea is the parent company to a full portfolio of market-leading knowledge management, library automation, and museums and archives collections management solutions. They announced another very strong year in 2019 with exciting upgrades to their ILS, CMS, and KM applications, an artificial intelligence (AI) prototype, the Argus Mobile app, and two new books from their publishing arm, Lucidea Press. [Full Announcement].
October 28, 2019
KMWorld 2019 Welcomes Lucidea's Portfolio of Intelligent KM Solutions. Lucidea, developer of a full portfolio of powerful knowledge management solutions, will bring its Trend-Setting Product, Inmagic Presto, to the 2019 KMWorld conference in Washington, DC on November 4th-7th, along with its other powerful knowledge management applications used worldwide by leading corporations, professional services firms, heritage institutions, and nonprofits. [Full Announcement].