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Press Release: Library and Information Technology Association [March 17, 2010]

Marshall Breeding named 2010 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award winner

Library and Information Technology Association
Emerald Group

Chicago, IL – March 17, 2010. Marshall Breeding has been named the winner of the 2010 LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. Emerald Group Publishing Limited and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) sponsor the award.

The award recognizes outstanding persons or institutions for their long-term contributions in the area of Library and Information Science technology and its application. It consists of $1,000 and a certificate of merit.

Mr. Breeding serves as the Director for Innovative Technologies and Research for the Vanderbilt University Libraries in Nashville, TN and is the Executive Director the Vanderbilt Television News Archive. He is the creator and editor of Library Technology Guides ( and lib-web-cats ( which, since their inception in 1999, have developed into a seminal resource for library automation and technology professionals. In addition to his work with LTG, Mr. Breeding authors the regular features "Systems Librarian" in Computers in Libraries and "Automation System Marketplace" in Library Journal, and is a contributing editor to ALA's Smart Libraries Newsletter. He is an invited speaker for many library conferences and workshops throughout the United States and internationally, and has many times reprised his role as a LITA Top Technology Trends "Trendster" at various American Library Association Conference panel discussions.

2010 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award
2010 LITA/Library Hi Tech Award

The award will be presented at the LITA President's Program on Sunday, June 27, at the ALA Annual Conference in Washington D.C.

The Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) members are information technology professionals dedicated to educating, serving and reaching out to the entire library and information community. LITA is a division of the American Library Association.

About Emerald

Established in 1967, Emerald Group Publishing ( is the world's leading publisher of management research. In total, Emerald publishes over 700 titles, comprising 200 journals, over 300 books and more than 200 book series as well as an extensive range of online products and services. Emerald is both COUNTER and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.

Emerald Management Plus is the largest, most comprehensive collection of peer reviewed management journals and online support for students, managers and researchers.

With "Research you can use" as a publishing philosophy, the collection provides scholarly research that is both rigorous and relevant, with practical implications for professionals outside the academic world.

For busy managers in corporate, federal and public organizations, Emerald Management First is an award-winning online knowledge and information resource.

Summary: Marshall Breeding has been named the winner of the 2010 LITA/Library Hi Tech award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology. Emerald Group Publishing Limited and the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) sponsor the award.
Publication Year:2010
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:March 17, 2010
Publisher:Library and Information Technology Association
Company: Library and Information Technology Association

DocumentID: 14640 views: 923 Created: 2010-03-17 14:07:18 Last Modified: 2025-01-20 01:19:15.