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Press Release: Lyngsoe Systems [June 25, 2014]

Lyngsoe Systems to install exciting new Automated Material Handling System in Boulder Public Library

Frederick, Maryland; Lyngsoe Systems is proud to announce that we were selected to provide Boulder Public Library with a new state of the art Automated Materials Handling system for their main branch.

Lyngsoe Systems will be removing the current AMH system originally provided by Tech Logic and installing two new LibraryMate Patron Return Stations with fast reliable level changing conveyance to the basement level where the items will be sorted on a SortMate "10" Bin sorter. Lyngsoe will also be providing an ergonomically designed staff return station located at the sorter where the staff will have the ability to induct items quickly and efficiently into the system.

"Boulder Public Library went through a rigorous process to select our new AMH provider; We needed a company to remove our old system, and provide a customized design that would provide reliable service for many years to come. We found that Lyngsoe provided the most comprehensive solution for our basement level AMH location and main level book drops and had the track record that gave us the confidence to partner with them. Our staff is extremely excited for the October, 2014 installation of the new system" – states Aimee Schumm, eServices Manager Boulder Public Library.

Lyngsoe Systems President, Cory McCoy "We are very excited to work with Boulder Public Library on this fantastic project. The great team at Boulder library partnered with our experienced project managers and engineers will produce a solution that is second to none and will meet or exceed their needs for many years to come."

Summary: Lyngsoe Systems is proud to announce that we were selected to provide Boulder Public Library with a new state of the art Automated Materials Handling system for their main branch.
Publication Year:2014
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:June 25, 2014
Publisher:Lyngsoe Systems
Company: Lyngsoe Systems
Libraries: Boulder Public Library
Subject: System announcements -- selection

DocumentID: 19493 views: 310 Created: 2014-06-25 20:33:55 Last Modified: 2025-02-07 06:19:20.