BOSTON, MA – June 18, 2020 – The Simmons University Library went live with the Open Source Library Services Platform FOLIO on Monday, June 15, 2020. As part of the Fenway Library Organization (FLO), Simmons implemented FOLIO in collaboration with the FLO staff as well as its hosting partner Index Data. It is using VuFind, the open source library resource portal, as its public-facing catalog user interface. This is the first implementation of VuFind as a public interface to FOLIO, and it includes full integration with patron empowerment functionality.
FOLIO (an acronym for the Future Of Libraries Is Open) is an open source project that is reimagining library software through a unique collaboration of libraries, developers and vendors. It moves beyond the traditional library management system to a new paradigm, where apps are built on an open platform, providing libraries more choice and delivering new services to users. The FOLIO platform includes core functionality found in current library management systems and is extensible, allowing libraries to meet ever-changing needs over time.
Jay Campbell, Head of Collections and Systems at the Simmons University Library, states that "we are very excited to be running FOLIO and VuFind. Our staff has been extremely pleased with the functionality and flexibility of the systems. It's been a real improvement over our previous ILS." Jay added "working with the FLO staff and Index Data has been a great experience. They were exceptionally responsive and provided outstanding guidance and support throughout the migration and testing process, which has been remarkably painless."
Migration to FOLIO and VuFind provides library patrons with a user centered and accessible experience. This supports the mission of the Simmons University Library as an active participant in the student learning experience, an essential component of a Simmons University education, and a vital asset to the University, fostering an institution-wide culture of academic inquiry and knowledge cultivation.
Mike Gorrell, Director of Index Data noted, "Partnering with FLO and Simmons has been an awesome collaboration. We're super happy that the migration has gone so smoothly and that FOLIO fits the needs of Simmons. Additionally, it's been a real pleasure to work so closely with VuFind, creating some extensions and committing those back to the community."
About Simmons University
Located in the heart of Boston, Simmons is a respected private university offering more than 50 majors and programs for undergraduate women and graduate programs open to all on campus, in blended formats, or entirely online in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, business, communications, social work, public health, and library and information science. Founded in 1899, Simmons has established a model of higher education that other colleges and universities are only recently beginning to adapt: the combination of education for leadership in high-demand professional fields with the intellectual foundation of the liberal arts. The result is a Simmons graduate prepared not only to work, but to lead in professional, civic, and personal life — a vision of empowerment that Simmons calls preparation for life's work. Follow Simmons on Twitter at @SimmonsUniv, and on LinkedIn at
About Fenway Library Organization
The Fenway Library Organization (FLO) is a consortium of 37 academic and special libraries in Massachusetts. Founded in 1987 as Fenway Libraries Online, FLO has been promoting resource sharing, encouraging staff development, and providing technical support for over thirty years. The consortium is constantly expanding in membership and all libraries who join benefit from a greater sense of community and statewide recognition. For more information visit
About Index Data
For 25 years Index Data has been building market-leading open source software relied on by libraries and service providers. As the lead architects/developers behind FOLIO's novel design, Index Data has a unique understanding of the platform and offers hosting, migration, and customization services for libraries looking to adopt the FOLIO LSP. Index Data is also a key stakeholder in Project ReShare, a community-owned, open platform for resource sharing. Together, we're building the library platform of the future. To learn more about Index Data and FOLIO, visit