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Press Release: Index Data [September 19, 2021]

PALCI and ConnectNY libraries now live on ReShare hosted by Index Data

September 15, 2021. Earlier this month, library patrons of both the PALCI consortium and ConnectNY started using ReShare Shared Inventory and ReShare Returnables to request the delivery of books between campuses. PALCI was the first consortium to go live and use these next-generation apps to expedite the movement of items between libraries—effectively broadening the base of knowledge available to these students, faculty, and staff. Index Data is providing hosting and implementation support for both the PALCI and ConnectNY ReShare installations.

In the press release announcing the service, PALCI's executive director, Jill Morris, said: "ReShare will transform our ability to share our libraries' collections and innovate in ways that will serve our patrons for years to come." PALCI's shared inventory contains nearly 16 million distinct items representing over 34 million physical copies among the 55 institutions. Pamela Jones, ConnectNY's executive director, remarked: "It is exciting to be a part of an open source community where our ConnectNY members have a say in the ongoing development of a product."

ReShare builds on the FOLIO Library Services Platform (LSP) by adopting the platform framework as well as certain core apps. Each member library runs the ReShare apps, hosted by Index Data. The ReShare apps connect to the library automation systems using NISO NCIP, ANSI Z39.50, and (when needed) custom connectors. Peer-to-peer communication between libraries uses the ISO 18626 standard.

Index Data teamed up with Knowledge Integration to develop the core software. Project ReShare's Apache 2.0 license ensures that this open source software is an asset held by the community for the long term.

Library staff at PALCI member libraries worked collaboratively to create the specifications for the ReShare Shared Inventory and Returnables apps and ConnectNY contributed subject matter experts. The libraries also provided access to 12 different ILSes allowing Index Data, with the support of Lehigh University, to develop the backend integrations.

The Shared Inventory and Returnables apps are the first available from Project ReShare. Also on the roadmap are ReShare Non-returnables (for articles, book chapters, and other portions of whole works) and ReShare Controlled Digital Lending. Project ReShare invites interested community members to get involved in the specification, development, testing, and deployment of this sustainable, open source, and user-centered resource sharing platform for libraries.

If your library or consortia is interested in having Index Data host your ReShare installation, please contact us at

Summary: Earlier this month, library patrons of both the PALCI consortium and ConnectNY started using ReShare Shared Inventory and ReShare Returnables to request the delivery of books between campuses. PALCI was the first consortium to go live and use these next-generation apps to expedite the movement of items between libraries—effectively broadening the base of knowledge available to these students, faculty, and staff. Index Data is providing hosting and implementation support for both the PALCI and ConnectNY ReShare installations.
Publication Year:2021
Type of Material:Press Release
Date Issued:September 19, 2021
Publisher:Index Data
Company: Index Data
Products: ReShare
Subject: System announcements -- installations

DocumentID: 26702 views: 534 Created: 2021-09-19 11:00:14 Last Modified: 2025-01-18 16:12:56.