At the end of January, the Virginia Division for the Visually Handicapped Library and Resource Center (LRC) installed KLAS version 5.7. The LRC circulates books, materials and equipment to all eligible visually handicapped school children throughout the state. They also provide services to adult patrons in the statewide low-vision program.
The LRC needs to track items sent to schools for the use of students at a teacher's request. The three levels of patrons (school, teacher and student) added a new facet to KLAS's responsible patron feature. The LRC's data was converted from the mainframe ESIMACS system. The KLAS order processing function has been expanded to maintain and track the orders by order file. The order processing capability allows users to enter orders sent in by teachers, link those orders with the students the materials are intended for, and create a pick list in shelf location order for processing. The order processing function also allows the LRC to track items that need to be purchased from a provider or produced in-house.
The LRC installed a Compaq ProLiant 800 as the KLAS database server using Microsoft Windows NT operating system in their existing office network environment. Staff use Pentium processor Windows 95 workstations to operate in client-server mode.