McHenry, IL -- September 2, 1997 -- Follett Software Company is developing its first Web OPAC software, WebCollection Plus. WebCollection Plus will enable library media specialists to bring their library holdings on-line and expand library services via the Internet. The company has set a target re-lease date of January 1998.
With WebCollection Plus, patrons can search the library collection via the Internet--24-hours a day, seven days a week, from remote locations—by title, author, subject, keyword, call number, and series. They'll also be able to check item availability to-the-second; submit hold and interlibrary loan (ILL) re-quests; link to cross references; link to additional titles with the same subject or by the same author; view library and school events; link to the Internet from MARC records using the 856 tag and access sites with related information; "shelf browse" virtual shelves by call number; and more, all on-line.
Library media specialists also benefit from the new software. They can define a unique "links" page specific to their patrons' needs and include direct links from their own web site to other web sites or li-braries. They can also submit interlibrary loan requests to other libraries via e-mail, and customize their library's home page with local information, such as library hours and checkin and checkout policies.
"This product will offer some choice features that aren't available in similar products," said Rob Uhrina, Product Manager at Follett Software Company. "For example, the events viewing capability. We know our customers wanted this feature and others we've added because we jointly designed WebCollection Plus with our customers. And we continue to make adjustments to the product during development to incorporate customer feedback."
All patrons need to access a library's collection via WebCollection Plus is knowledge of the library's URL address and a web browser, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. WebCollection Plus operates with Catalog Plus vi .50 for MS-DOS and can operate in both Windows NTTM and Novell NetWare environments. It is also being designed to operate with Catalog Plus for Windows and
Union Catalog Plus, both of which will be available this winter.
Follett Software Company is pre-selling the WebCollection Plus software for MS-DOS at an introductory price of $1,395.00 through January 1, 1998.
Follett Software Company is a developer and publisher of microcomputer library automation and curriculum-related software products and services. Its Circulation Plus software, with more than 27,000 installations, is the number one selling library automation system in the K-12 marketplace. Lo-cated in McHenry, IL, Follett Software Company is a division of Follett Corporation. For additional information call (800) 323-3397 or visit Follett Software Company on the World Wide Web at