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Alma is an Integrated Library System offered by Ex Libris.

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Alma has been installed in 2,298 libraries, spanning 3,600 facilities or branches)

Alma implementations by Type of Library

[Data source: statistics derived from the directory of libraries]

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Distribution of Alma sites by Country

[Data source: statistics derived from the directory of libraries]

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System migration patterns for Alma

[Data source: statistics derived from the directory of libraries]

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Sales Statistics for Alma

[Data source: statistics reported for the Annual Library Systems Report]

Sales and Installation Statistics for Alma
Product NameCompanyNameProduct TypeYearContractsLibrariesInstalled
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System2023831452507
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20221391392365
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20211822422261
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20201141772037
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20191021641769
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20181154481543
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20171162661095
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System2016132203829
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System201588220626
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20144377406
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System201331170329
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System20121771126
Alma Ex LibrisIntegrated Library System2011242455

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Alma Satisfaction Ratings

[Data source: International Survey of Library Automation]

2021 Alma Responses by Sector
SatisfactionLevelILS3676.83 976.56997.02726.920000146.93
ILSFunctionality3667.12 967.07997.36726.990000147.29
PrintFunctionality3647.28 957.07987.42727.310000147.29
ElectronicFunctionality3666.80 966.53997.09726.880000146.71
SatisfactionCustomerSupport3656.14 976.04986.40715.920000146.43
CompanyLoyalty3596.76 955.99977.04707.090000147.36

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Documents or articles featuring Alma

Breeding, Marshall. Ex Libris Completes Sweep of Higher Education in California. February 2020. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Ex Libris has now sold its Alma library services platform to all three of the public higher educational systems in California. A recent announcement from the Systemwide Integrated Library System taskforce of the University of California libraries announced the final selection of Alma and Primo from Ex Libris, now part of ProQuest. The University of California system joins the California State University System and the Consortium of Community Colleges in the selection of Alma to provide shared infrastructure for the management of their collections and Primo for discovery and access. Each of these projects on its own would be considered massive; together these three systems represent an unprecedented level of involvement by the libraries in a single governmental jurisdiction with a single vendor.

Breeding, Marshall. Update on Ex Libris Alma. December 2019. Smart Libraries Newsletter. The Alma library services platform (LSP) from Ex Libris, now part of ProQuest, continues to make gains in the academic and research library sector. The product's steady stream of product releases deployed monthly and new implementations by library have become routine. The dominance of Alma in this sector must be seen as the backdrop or context for other events that spark interest but tend to have smaller impact. Alma has seen strong and steady adoption since its initial implementations in 2012, including some of the largest university library systems and regional or national consortia.

Breeding, Marshall. A Progress Report on Library Services Platforms. August 2016. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Although each of the products offers its distinct approach to functionality and technology infrastructure, there are a set of products that have diverged significantly from the well-established category of ILSs. Many of these characteristics arise out of the current technology paradigm centered on services deployed entirely through the Web, oriented to collaboration and social interactions, and powered by massive data stores.

Breeding, Marshall. Shared Infrastructure Projects Gain Momentum. September 2015. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Recent months have seen a number of announcements of large consortia or library systems that have chosen to implement library services platforms in a shared configuration. Ex Libris Alma has emerged as the leading product in this sector, with Innovative's Sierra, OCLC WorldShare Management Services and ProQuest Intota also represented.

Breeding, Marshall. Beyond the ILS: A New Generation of Library Services Platforms. 2013. Robots in Academic Libraries: Advancements in Library Automation. This chapter focuses on the changes in integrated library systems (ILS) over the past thirty years as the focus shifts from collecting physical items to electronic and digital materials. The relationship between the ILS and new specialized applications, including link resolvers, knowledge bases of e-content, electronic resource management systems, digital asset management systems, discovery services, and institutional repository platforms is discussed and placed in context. In addition to looking at workflows with these new systems, a general discussion of how academic libraries are likely to engage with these new systems, the time frames in which we can expect availability and widespread adoption, and any cautions or concerns to have in mind when selecting or implementing these systems.

Breeding, Marshall. Crossing the Threshold: Boston College Places Alma into Production. August 2012. Smart Libraries Newsletter. On July 2, 2012, the Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Library of Boston College became the first to place Alma, the library services platform created by Ex Libris, into production use. The library migrated from an Aleph system in place since 2000. Boston College had been working with Ex Libris since mid-2009 as a development partner, testing each incremental release of the software, and providing constructive feedback. The library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, with a staff numbering around 120, and a collection of 3.5 million volumes.

Breeding, Marshall. Ex Libris Marks Progress in Developing URM. January 2011. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Ex Libris continues to make progress on the development of its next-generation library management platform called Unified Resource Management, or URM. This product, which was developed as the company's long-term strategic library automation platform, continues in the research and development stage, with expected release at the beginning of 2012. Although the product is still some time away from general availability, it has progressed from the proof-of-concept prototypes to a functional model. Though preliminary, some versions have been made available to development partner libraries for testing and assessment

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News Anouncements for Alma

Alma continues to deliver, flourish and grow
December 19, 2024 - As 2024 winds down, Alma celebrates yet another year of success. To accomplish this feat, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, continues to work in close collaboration with its customer community to ensure that Alma remains the most effective library services platform and helps libraries achieve greater efficiency.

Enhancing library services at the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan
November 25, 2024 - National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism, Taiwan's first and only vocational university focused on hospitality and tourism, transformed its library services by transitioning from Aleph to the cloud-based Alma and Primo systems. Despite having a small staff of nine, the library successfully implemented these new platforms to streamline workflows and enhance services for its community of nearly 5,000 faculty and students.

Ex Libris refreshes its two-year Alma roadmap
August 28, 2024 - Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, has updated its extensive two-year product development plan for the unified Alma library management system for the rest of 2024 and throughout 2025. The community-driven roadmap is refreshed on a semi-annual basis to ensure that libraries are taking advantage of state-of-the-art technology, such as advancements in Linked Open Data and artificial intelligence, to best manage their resources today and address future needs.

Wayne State University adopts Alma to modernize e-resource management
August 15, 2024 - Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, announced that Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, has launched and is now using Alma to manage its broad range of electronic resources. The collaborative implementation and upgrade enables Wayne State library staff to take advantage of Alma's advanced electronic resource management (ERM) capabilities and to enhance user satisfaction.

National Library of Spain Now Live with Alma and Primo
August 14, 2024 - The National Library of Spain is now using the unified, cloud-based Alma digital resource management and Primo discovery platform from Ex Libris, part of Clarivate. Both solutions were launched as a transformative technology upgrade to improve staff efficiency and enhance the user experience.

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