Library Technology Guides

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Smart Libraries Newsletter

Volume 27 Number 12 (December 2007)

Author / Title
Breeding, Marshall, Checkpoint Systems and 3M Library Systems Converge on RFID
Two of the top competitors in the library-focused RFID and library security products arena, 3M Library Systems and Checkpoint Systems, have consolidated their efforts to produce and market products to libraries. The arrangement, announced October 29, 2007, results in melding the 3M Library Systems marketing channels with products from Checkpoint Systems. Effective the beginning of 2008, 3M Library Systems will serve as the exclusive worldwide distributor and service provider for Checkpoint’s family of products oriented toward libraries.
Breeding, Marshall, Building the eXtensible Catalog
The eXtensible Catalog (XC) initiative has garnered the resources necessary to move out of the realm of conceptual planning to an actual product through new funding awarded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This grant of $749,000 will be supplemented by financial and in-kind contributions from the University of Rochester and a group of other institutions participating in the project. The value of the total project contributions will total $2.8 million.