This dashboard brings together data, trends, news, and other resources from Library Technology Guides describing the organization, its executive leadership, personnel employed, business history, as well as related features and news articles.
Box 24914
Lund, 224 21
Phone: +46-46-270-0400
Axiell is privately owned, with Mats Hentzel as leading shareholder.
[Data source: statistics supplied for the annual Library Systems Report or from public information]
Company | Year | Development | Support | Sales | Admin | Other | Total |
Axiell | 2024 | 105 | 100 | 37 | 12 | 120 | 374 |
Axiell | 2023 | 120 | 125 | 55 | 30 | 85 | 415 |
Axiell | 2022 | 100 | 122 | 48 | 22 | 79 | 371 |
Axiell | 2021 | 99 | 122 | 48 | 22 | 77 | 368 |
Axiell | 2020 | 96 | 117 | 46 | 21 | 88 | 368 |
Axiell | 2019 | 85 | 116 | 43 | 20 | 65 | 310 |
Axiell | 2018 | 85 | 116 | 43 | 20 | 40 | 285 |
Axiell | 2017 | 98 | 96 | 44 | 32 | 35 | 305 |
Axiell | 2016 | 91 | 88 | 50 | 32 | 35 | 296 |
Axiell | 2015 | 85 | 96 | 37 | 32 | 24 | 274 |
Axiell | 2014 | 76 | 68 | 40 | 43 | 49 | 263 |
Axiell | 2013 | 60 | 63 | 36 | 29 | 31 | 219 |
Axiell | 2012 | 55 | 53 | 30 | 29 | 31 | 198 |
Axiell | 2011 | 57 | 66 | 34 | 35 | 34 | 226 |
Axiell | 2010 | 58 | 26 | 31 | 26 | 42 | 223 |
Axiell | 2009 | 62 | 49 | 26 | 25 | 53 | 215 |
Axiell | 2008 | 240 | |||||
Axiell | 2007 | 117 |
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell acquires Infor Library and Information Solutions. January 2022. Library Technology Newsletter. In a move that further consolidates the global library technology industry, Axiell has entered into an agreement to acquire the Library and Information Solutions division of Infor. This deal will add the V-smart integrated library system and related products to Axiell's already extensive portfolio of library technology products. The scale of the transaction is modest but impacts libraries across many countries and regions. At the time of the announcement, Infor reported 180 library customers. V-smart is a well-established product in the Benelux region, with many customers in Belgium and The Netherlands as well as in Switzerland, France, and Greece. Beyond Europe, V-Smart has been implemented by libraries in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and in the United States.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell Acquires CultureConnect. November 2020. Smart Libraries Newsletter. The September 2020 acquisition of New York-based CultureConnect brings to Axiell new technologies for the creation of sophisticated digital experiences for museums and cultural institutions. This acquisition builds on partnership announced in June 2019 to create interoperability among their respective platforms. CultureConnect's products enable organizations to create engaging online exhibits, virtual programs, mobile museum guides, mobile kiosks, games, and other interactive interfaces delivered through mobile devices and touchscreens. CultureConnect enables the organization to create content in a single platform and publish it, with built-in data and analytics, to many different interfaces or applications.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell acquires Bibliotekenes IT-senter. March 2019. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Axiell, a major provider of technologies to libraries, museums, and archives, has acquired Bibliotekenes IT-senter, more commonly known as Bibits, expanding its presence in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. This acquisition brings two important products into the Axiell product portfolio, the Micromarc ILS dominant in Norway, and Saga, a library web portal. This move represents a significant expansion of Axiell's library business and brings in a new set of customer libraries with potential interest in its flagship Quria library services platform.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell Acquires ATP Automation. November 2017. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Axiell continues to expand its portfolio of products through business acquisitions. The company's latest move involves the acquisition of ATP Automation Ltd Oy, a small company based in Finland that supplies self-service and automated material handling equipment to public libraries. The company was founded in 2006. Over 70 libraries in Finland have implemented its products as well as a small number of organizations outside the library sector. ATP Automation previously worked with Axiell as a partner in library implementations prior to its acquisition. The four staff members of the company will join Axiell.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell Continues to Expand. December 2016. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Axiell, one of the major global companies providing technology products and services to libraries, archives, and museums, continues to expand. In North America, Axiell is better known for its technology products for archives and museums than for library systems. The company offers a diverse set of technology products, operating divisions for public libraries, for the broader archives, libraries, and museums (ALM) sector, for educational platforms, and for e-books and other digital media. In recent months, the company has made two strategic acquisitions to strengthen its position in libraries and other business areas.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell Launches Quria: New Library Services Platform for Public Libraries. July 2016. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Although not a product that will be marketed in the United States in the near future, Axiell's Quria will be designed to accommodate the requirements of modern public libraries increasingly involved in digital delivery of content and services and will be based on current technologies. Axiell aims for Quria to help libraries cope with the shifts they are making toward digital services.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell and Publit Launch Atingo for E-book lending. October 2013. Smart Libraries Newsletter. A new venture has been established on the e-book lending front, initially focused on publishers and libraries in Sweden, but with possible opportunities for other international regions. Two Scandinavian companies— Publit a Swedish company involved with e-books and print on demand, and Axiell, which develops software for libraries and archives— have jointly launched Atingo, a company offering e-book lending products and services to libraries. Though in an early pilot phase and not currently available in the United States, the service provides an interesting example of a business and technology model implemented abroad.
Breeding, Marshall. Axiell Group Acquires Adlib Information Systems. April 2013. Smart Libraries Newsletter. In a move that consolidates two companies that produce systems for managing museum, archive, and library collections, Axiell Group has acquired Adlib Information Systems. Axiell offers a variety of library automation systems used in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom as well as Axiell CALM, for the management of archive and museum collections. Adlib's products find use primarily in museums, archives, and special libraries. The acquisition of Adlib, a company with particular strengths in the museum and archive automation sector, significantly expands Axiell's reach, especially into the museum sector and also into many new geographic areas. While it has not yet ventured into the North American library automation market, Axiell, with its growing arsenal of products, warrants attention as a major, global contender with the potential to expand into new geographic regions.
January 15, 2025. Les musées de Paris ont choisi Axiell pour leur gestion des collections. Axiell, le principal fournisseur mondial de logiciels et de services pour le secteur culturel, annonce le déploiement de son système flexible de gestion des collections basé sur le web, Axiell Collections, au sein de l'Établissement Public Paris Musées. Paris Musées, qui regroupe 14 musées et sites patrimoniaux répartis dans la ville de Paris, est responsable d'une collection de plus d'un million d'œuvres, désormais gérées via Axiell Collections. Ce projet a également permis de rendre 400 000 objets accessibles au public via le site web de Paris Musées.
November 26, 2024. Axiell celebrates over 300 libraries using Quria as their library services platform. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, announces that over 300 libraries across Europe are now using Axiell's Quria solution as their library services platform of choice. Launched in 2017, Quria is a comprehensive library services platform where all resources and workflows can be managed centrally. Quria offers, among many other things, a range of features that help libraries to automatically maintain an attractive offer on different devices, quickly adapt to changing needs, optimise shelf space and evaluate stock usage efficiently. The bibliographic information is handled in a ground-breaking metadata model based entirely on linked data according to IFLA-LRM and RDA.Drammen Public Library in Norway, the first library to go live with Quria.
July 3, 2024. Axiell launches AI Tool to enrich cultural databases and enhance linked data. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces the launch of its AI Tool for collections database enrichment. The Tool provides curatorial and collections management teams with cutting-edge technology to analyze and enhance Collections and Thesauri records over 10 times faster than a human, supporting records enrichment with speed at an unprecedented scale. To ensure alignment with market needs, the Tool has been developed in close collaboration with Axiell's customer community.
June 19, 2024. Axiell Group appoints Sebastian Svärdebrandt as new CIO. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, announced the appointment of Sebastian Svärdebrandt as Chief Information Officer. In this new role, Sebastian will oversee the technical strategy and development to ensure transformational initiatives globally to drive scalability.
April 5, 2024. Axiell announces changes to board of directors. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, announces significant changes to its Board of Directors. Following the decision made at the Axiell Group Annual General Meeting on April 5, 2024, Joel Sommerfeldt, former President and CEO, assumes the role of Chairman of the Board. Mats Hentzel, the main owner and former Chairman, will continue as a board member, concentrating on matters related to ownership.
March 13, 2024. Malmö stad storsatsar på användarvänlighet och väljer Quria och WeLib till nya skolbibliotekssystem. Malmö stad väljer molnbaserade Quria samt WeLib för att effektivisera och öka användarvänligheten för både elever och personal på sina 80 skolbibliotek. I Malmö stad finns omkring 100 kommunala grundskolor, gymnasieskolor och vuxenutbildningar vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att stärka elevernas digitala kompetens och språkliga förmåga. För att kunna möta de komplexa förutsättningar och varierande behov som råder inom verksamheten ställs höga krav på effektivitet och användarvänlighet. Här kommer Quria tillsammans med WeLib ge en smidig helhetslösning; Quria för bibliotekspersonal och WeLib för låntagare.
November 21, 2023. New CEO for Axiell: accelerating industry leadership through improved access to world's collective knowledge. Axiell is now entering an exciting new era led by a new management team and board. Maria Wasing is promoted to President and CEO of Axiell Group AB. The focus is to drive the extensive digital transformation that is taking place in the cultural sector by expanding access to cultural heritage and the collective knowledge of libraries, archives and museums globally. Joel Sommerfeldt, former President and CEO, will become the new Chairman of the Board as of the 2024 Annual General Meeting. Former Chairman of the Board and main owner Mats Hentzel will continue on the Board as Vice Chairman with a focus on ownership issues.
September 11, 2023. Axiell Group appoints Henrik Béen as new CPO. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, appoints Henrik Béen as Chief Product Officer, responsible for the Group's product and platform portfolio. In this newly established role, the CPO is tasked with managing the vision and strategic direction for Axiell's products, ensuring that the cultural ecosystem Axiell is envisioning delivers value to customers every day. The role will strengthen Axiell's scalable product portfolio to drive digital transformation for museums, archives, libraries, and schools, meeting their needs for today and anticipating their requirements for growth tomorrow. Henrik will assume his role on October 1, 2023, and will be part of Axiell's Group management team.
August 15, 2023. Axiell launches mobile app for libraries to boost patron engagement. Axiell, the world's leading provider of software and services for the cultural sector, launches the Axiell Library App powered by Solus, an app that simplifies patron engagement with the library and saves time for library staff. The app expands Axiell's library software platform offer, further strengthening the company's position as the foremost full-service software vendor driving digital transformation for libraries across the world.
May 10, 2023. Axiell Gains ISO 27001 Certification for IT Security. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, officially received their ISO 27001 certification on April 19, 2023. ISO 27001 is a leading international security standard that outlines the requirements for building and maintaining a robust information security management system (ISMS). As one of the first cultural technology vendors to be certified, this achievement demonstrates Axiell's leadership in the sector, and its dedication to digital security and sustainability.
Jan 04, 2022 Axiell acquires Infor Library and Information Solutions
Axiell announces agreement to acquire Infor Library and Information Solutions business and expand global presence. Axiell, the world's leading software and services provider for the cultural sector, today announced an agreement to acquire Infor Library & Information Solutions, a business within Infor, the industry cloud company. The acquisition is expected to close in February. The Infor Library & Information Solutions business delivers solutions and services to the library sector and serves more than 180 customers in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The acquisition is driven by Axiell's expansion strategy, focusing and strengthening its offer in the public library and education industry.
Sep 22, 2020 CultureConnect acquired by Axiell
Axiell acquires of CultureConnect, an award-winning technology company headquartered in New York City that empowers cultural institutions to easily create beautiful and dynamic digital experiences that broaden audience engagement onsite and online.
Aug 03, 2020 Axiell acquires Musoft
Axiell, the leading supplier of software to the cultural sector, announced the acquisition of Musoft, the leading vendor for collections management, heritage catalogue, virtual reality and public facing solutions in the Czech and Slovak Republics. The acquisition advances the technology landscape for museums, libraries and cultural organisations in Eastern and Central Europe and brings customers such as Czech National Museum, Slovak National Museum, Czech National Heritage Institute, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic into the Axiell Group. Musoft's industry experience, local infrastructure, leading technologies and well-established customer relationships expand Axiell's position in Europe. In the near future, the region and Musofts existing customers will get access to the cloud-based solutions Axiell Quria for libraries and WeLib for education, as well as Axiell's solutions for collections management.
Aug 08, 2017 Ann Melaerts joins Axiell as Vice President & Business Area Director for Axiell Public Libraries
Axiell announced the expansion of its operations in Europe. Ann Melaerts, formerly General Manager Library Division and VP Independent business units at INFOR, joins Axiell as Vice President & Business Area Director for Axiell Public Libraries. Ann will be responsible for sales from Axiell’s solutions and services portfolio to public libraries in Europe, which includes Axiell Quria, a cloud based library services platform, and Axiell Arena, an advanced and robust online discovery portal for libraries.
May 25, 2016 Axiell acquires Mobydoc, the market leader for French museums
Axiell announced the acquisition of Mobydoc, the market leader for French museums, particularly national museums. The acquisition brings together Axiell’s global resources and experience within Archives, Libraries and Museums with the solid position that Mobydoc has held in the French market for over 20 years. The move creates an organisation that will be able to continue to serve French museums with market leading solutions and services, now and in the future.
Mar 09, 2015 Axiell acquires seventy percent of Elib e-book distributor from publishers Bonniers, Norstedts, Natur & Kultur and Piratförlaget
The four major Swedish publishing houses are now selling their eBook company Elib to the Swedish IT company Axiell Group, whereby Elib gains a technology-intense owner that can power eBook development into the future. Axiell has acquired 70 per cent of the company, while the publishers Bonniers, Norstedts, Natur & Kultur and Piratförlaget are keeping 30 per cent. Elib was established in 2000 to meet the market's eBook demand, and has come to function as the hub of the Swedish digital book market.
Apr 03, 2014 Axiell acquires KE Software
Axiell Group AB – the Swedish developer and supplier of systems and services for libraries, museums, archives and schools – has acquired the Australian company KE Software, making Axiell the leading IT supplier of software and services within museums and archives sector. This acquisition is set to create fresh opportunities in Australia, the Middle East and North America.
Oct 08, 2013 Axiell acquires Selago Design
Axiell Group has acquired Canadian company Selago Design Inc. Selago Design Inc. has been developing and supplying collections management and public access software for museums and archives for more than 20 years. Their flagship product, Mimsy XG, is used by organisations ranging from small business collections to large national museums. While the majority of the customer base is in North America, the company also enjoys a significant presence in the UK, Australia and Asia.
Aug 21, 2013 Axiell and Publit Launch Atingo for E-book lending
new venture has been established on the e-book lending front, initially focused on publishers and libraries in Sweden, but with possible opportunities for other international regions. Two Scandinavian companies— Publit a Swedish company involved with e-books and print on demand, and Axiell, which develops software for libraries and archives— have jointly launched Atingo, a company offering e-book lending products and services to libraries. Though in an early pilot phase and not currently available in the United States, the service provides an interesting example of a business and technology model implemented abroad.
Mar 01, 2013 Axiell Group acquires ADLIB Information Systems
The acquisition of the Dutch company, Adlib Information Systems, makes Axiell the largest player in Europe in relation to museums and archives, and confirms the company's position as one of the five largest players in the global market. The deal has given Axiell 1,600 new clients in 30 countries, and has provided a broad international platform for future growth.
Mar 2013 CultureConnect founded by Samantha Diamond and Monika Smyczek
2011 Musoft founded
MUSOFT.CZ s.r.o., was founded in 2011, is a genuinely Czech company specializing in analysis and programming of database information systems. The main objecive of the company is to develop a modern collection registration system for memory institutions (museums, galleries, archives, libraries, heritage institutions, etc.)
2011 Joel Sommerfeldt appointed as CEO for Axiell Group AB
Joel Sommerfeldt, previous CEO for Kelva AB and board member of Axiell Group AB, will take over the position as CEO for Axiell Group AB – the European leading vendor producing IT services and systems to archives, libraries and museums. Joel Sommerfeldt will take up office the 1st of January 2012 after Jerk Sintorn, who will still work for Axiell but in another position. Joel Sommerfeldt succeeds Jerk Sintorn, Axiell’s incumbent CEO who after 16 years of leadership has decided to step down devoting himself to other tasks in Axiell.
Apr 28, 2008 Axiell acquires DS
DS, the UK’s leading public library management system supplier, has reached agreement on a merger with Axiell Library Group AB. With immediate effect DS becomes part of the Axiell Library Group family of companies.
Jan 01, 2008 Axiell Library Group formed as new parent company
Axiell Library Group formed, consisting of a parent company with three operating subsidiaries: Axiell Bibliotek AB (Sweden), Axiell Bibliotek A/S (Denmark) and Ab Axiell Kirjastot Oy (Finland).
Dec 12, 2007 Axiell invests in Akateeminen Tietopalvelu ATP Oy
Axiell Bibliotek AB is strengthening its position in Finland by buying shares in the Finnish company Akateeminen Tietopalvelu ATP Oy.
Jun 21, 2007 Ann Melaerts named Managing Director of Infor Library Systems
Ann Melaerts has been appointed Managing Director of Infor Library Solutions. Ann has been with our organization for over 15 years and has served as General Manager Southern Europe Region for the last 6 years. In her role as General Manager for Southern Europe, she successfully implemented an aggressive growth strategy, solidifying our leading position and strengthening our brand recognition in the southern European marketplace.
Apr 2007 Axiell acquires TietoEnator Libraries Oy, Finland for 2.4 million Euros
2004 Axiell acquires CSC's Consulting Group's Library Section
2001 Axiell Biblioteksystem AB and BTJ System AB merge to form Axiell Bibliotek AB
Jan 2001 DS Ltd acquires Crossnet Systems Ltd
Rob Bull was Director of Crossnet Systems from June 1996 - January 2001. Crossnet Systems was formed as a result of a management buyout of Satellites International Ltd. One product of Crossnet was the ZedKit toolkit for Z39.50 support.
Jul 1999 ADLIB Information Systems acquires ROTA and Ocelot automation system from Reekx
Summer 1999, Adlib acquired the Ocelot automation system from Reekx. Ocelot for Windows
1999 Danish Data Elektronik becomes Ehuset A / S
1991 BTJ System AB is formed
1986 Bert Degenhart Drenth joins Databasix Computer Systems and launches a subsidiary office in the Benelux
1983 Technical University Eindhoven joins Vrije Universiteit Brussels as a co-developer of VUBIS
1978 VUBIS goes into production at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
1975 Danish Data Elektronik Founded
1960 BTJ converted into a limited company.
[Data source: text supplied for the annual Library Systems Report]
In 2024, Axiell continued building on its strong momentum, achieving key milestones and launching initiatives to support libraries and cultural institutions. On January 1, Maria Wasing assumed the role of President and CEO, succeeding Joel Sommerfeldt, assumed the role of Chairman of the Board. In May, Axiell appointed Sebastian Svärdebrandt as Chief Information Officer (CIO). With over two decades of IT and cybersecurity leadership experience, his expertise strengthens Axiell’s ability to drive digital transformation for libraries, museums, archives, and schools, preparing the organization for future growth and innovation.
The Quria platform experienced notable expansion in 2024, with an average of two new libraries going live each week and 369 new contracts signed. Notably, this includes the Kalmar region consortium in Sweden, where 12 municipalities are set to streamline their library services using Quria. In Germany, notable contracts were secured in Mönchengladbach and Gelsenkirchen, both supported by multiple branches and mobile libraries.
The Axiell customer base continued to grow rapidly in 2024. By the end of the year, Axiell announced that 300 libraries across 6 countries were using Quria as their library services platform of choice, reinforcing its reputation as a robust solution for both individual libraries and extensive library networks.
In 2024, Axiell expanded the Library Experience Management (LXM) framework by launching Quria Case Management, a feature that enhances patron communication in a single channel. This new capability ensures secure, efficient, and prompt handling of requests, allowing library staff to work more effectively while providing patrons with a seamless communication experience, ensuring that patron communication and case management runs smoothly. The Axiell Library App, launched in late 2023, was adopted by several libraries throughout the year, further strengthening the LXM framework and delivering significant value to library services.
Axiell’s V-smart Library Management System was selected after an international tender for a nationwide collaboration of Greek libraries. The project includes upgrading the National Library and other public libraries, bringing a significant number of Greek libraries into Axiell’s community.
In the UK, Axiell secured the Libraries West Consortium with the Spark Library Management System, bringing seven local authorities live and serving 2,500,000 residents. Another major contract was with the East Midlands Libraries (EMLIB) Consortium, comprising six local authorities, a prison, and a School Library Service, collectively serving 2,354,000 people. Axiell was also chosen by the Ministry of Justice to develop a National Prison Library System, with 31 authorities going live in 2024 and the remainder by the end of 2025.
In 2024, Axiell made significant investments in the AI field by developing a tool in close collaboration with the customer community. The tool, set to be released in early 2025, equips curatorial and collections management teams with advanced technology, enabling them to analyze and enrich collections and thesaurus records more than 10 times faster than manual methods.
Axiell also continued to nurture its community engagement through initiatives like Axiell Digital Days ’24 and the UK User Meet-up at the University of London. These events united professionals from libraries, museums, and archives to explore topics such as AI, IT security, and best practices, fostering collaboration and reinforcing the user community.
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