This dashboard brings together data, trends, news, and other resources from Library Technology Guides describing the organization, its executive leadership, personnel employed, business history, as well as related features and news articles.
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Phone: 847-296-2200
Ex Libris is part of Clarivate, a publicly owned company.
[Data source: statistics supplied for the annual Library Systems Report or from public information]
Company | Year | Development | Support | Sales | Admin | Other | Total |
Ex Libris | 2023 | 349 | 325 | 46 | 98 | 39 | 857 |
Ex Libris | 2022 | 349 | 308 | 46 | 98 | 35 | 836 |
Ex Libris | 2021 | 269 | 454 | 128 | 70 | 921 | |
Ex Libris | 2020 | 283 | 465 | 149 | 76 | 973 | |
Ex Libris | 2019 | 283 | 464 | 153 | 80 | 980 | |
Ex Libris | 2018 | 268 | 446 | 140 | 75 | 930 | |
Ex Libris | 2017 | 341 | 305 | 125 | 52 | 12 | 835 |
Ex Libris | 2016 | 327 | 304 | 125 | 52 | 22 | 830 |
Ex Libris | 2015 | 229 | 255 | 70 | 50 | 11 | 615 |
Ex Libris | 2014 | 208 | 234 | 65 | 47 | 11 | 565 |
Ex Libris | 2013 | 194 | 222 | 60 | 46 | 14 | 536 |
Ex Libris | 2012 | 189 | 222 | 53 | 46 | 12 | 522 |
Ex Libris | 2011 | 170 | 231 | 54 | 44 | 13 | 512 |
Ex Libris | 2010 | 174 | 223 | 53 | 38 | 16 | 504 |
Ex Libris | 2009 | 165 | 206 | 52 | 32 | 12 | 467 |
Ex Libris | 2008 | 161 | 198 | 55 | 34 | 19 | 467 |
Ex Libris | 2007 | 129 | 187 | 53 | 49 | 418 | |
Ex Libris | 2006 | 127 | 160 | 42 | 46 | 18 | 393 |
Ex Libris | 2005 | 57 | 93 | 39 | 23 | 49 | 261 |
Ex Libris | 2004 | 50 | 82 | 37 | 22 | 42 | 233 |
Ex Libris | 2003 | 58 | 91 | 34 | 32 | 215 | |
Ex Libris | 2002 | 51 | 110 | 24 | 11 | 10 | 206 |
Breeding, Marshall. Open Systems in the age of Library Services Platforms: Meeting expectations for interoperability and extensibility. March 2022. Library Technology Guides. Open systems allow organizations to gain access to data and to create new functionality beyond what is directly delivered in an application. Libraries expect their systems to come with robust functionality accessed via the built-in user interfaces. Beyond these user interfaces, most organizations also need to move data in and out of their applications through automated scripts or through real-time interactions with other systems. Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are the technical mechanism expected in modern software applications to enable interoperability, access to data, and to support the creation of scripts or modules to perform related functions.
Breeding, Marshall. New President at Ex Libris. January 2021. Smart Libraries Newsletter. ProQuest has named Oded Scharfstein the new president of Ex Libris, effective January 2021. He will succeed Bar Veinstein. Ex Libris has been a portfolio company of ProQuest since October 2015.
Breeding, Marshall. Smart Libraries Q&A: Impact of annual price increases for subscriptions. January 2021. Smart Libraries Newsletter. With the current ILS market constricting into only a few players for academic libraries, how sustainable for a long-term strategy is the current subscription pricing model of 5% annual increases? Especially when a library's ILS consumes a large block of operations budgets, which don't grow at that pace, if at all. Libraries can cut serials and book budgets, but there is little flexibility for an ILS. You either have one or you don't. Do you see a potential “crash” where the same libraries who migrated to Alma or World- Share a few years ago are forced to migrate to open source systems, given the projected declines in higher education in general? Also, what do you recommend as an appropriate ratio between the annual cost of a library's inventory management system and the annual cost of a library's inventory to use as a determining factor of when to jump away from a particular ILS?
Breeding, Marshall. Ex Libris Acquires RapidILL. August 2019. Smart Libraries Newsletter. In a move that expands its exiting involvement in resource sharing for academic libraries, Ex Libris has acquired RapidILL from Colorado State University. This acquisition expands the company's existing strategy to develop resource sharing products based on its Alma library services platform. RapidILL will continue as a service available to all libraries regardless of the automation systems used. Ex Libris and Colorado State University position this acquisition as an opportunity for RapidILL to see faster software development and to expand its presence globally.
Breeding, Marshall. ProQuest and Ex Libris Reorganize Latin American Operations. February 2019. Smart Libraries Newsletter. ProQuest and Ex Libris have reorganized and consolidated their operations in Latin America. This move is consistent with a longstanding strategy where Ex Libris has steadily shifted away from working through distributors for sales and support in specific regions to direct operations through wholly owned offices or subsidiaries. It also reflects a growing integration between ProQuest and its Ex Libris subsidiary.
Breeding, Marshall. New Leadership for ProQuest and Ex Libris. July 2017. Smart Libraries Newsletter. The board of directors of ProQuest has announced that Matti Shem Tov, President of Ex Libris, will assume leadership of the entire ProQuest organization, succeeding current CEO Kurt Sanford. This change comes a year and 4 months after the acquisition of Ex Libris, a move that significantly expanded the position of ProQuest as a content, services, and technology company for libraries. This move represents an interesting change in ProQuest where the top leadership comes from the technology sphere rather than the publishing industry.
Breeding, Marshall. ProQuest to Acquire Ex Libris. November 2015. Smart Libraries Newsletter. In a move that alters the business dynamics of the library technology sector, ProQuest has announced that it will acquire Ex Libris in a deal expected to close later in 2015. Ex Libris, under the ownership of Golden Gate Capital since November 2012, will become a wholly owned business of ProQuest. This merger significantly extends ProQuest's offerings of technology-based workflow and resource management tools and places a broader portfolio of products under the responsibility of Ex Libris. While this merger represents a major step in the evolution of the industry, it is not anticipated to compromise the availability of current product offerings. Longer-term product strategies will be developed over time in collaboration with the company's customer base.
Breeding, Marshall. Shared Infrastructure Projects Gain Momentum. September 2015. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Recent months have seen a number of announcements of large consortia or library systems that have chosen to implement library services platforms in a shared configuration. Ex Libris Alma has emerged as the leading product in this sector, with Innovative's Sierra, OCLC WorldShare Management Services and ProQuest Intota also represented.
Breeding, Marshall. Ex Libris Acquires oMbeil, Introduces Leganto. June 2015. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Ex Libris has made an incremental step in expansion beyond the library technology arena, acquiring oMbeil, a company based in the United Kingdom known for campusM, a mobile and portal platform that enables institutions to provide a variety of services to students via a hosted, software-as-a-service platform optimized for mobile devices. This acquisition does not involve further consolidation in the library technology industry, but reflects the increase dominance of mobile access and the interest of Ex Libris in serving the broader campus environment.
Breeding, Marshall. Crossing the Threshold: Boston College Places Alma into Production. August 2012. Smart Libraries Newsletter. On July 2, 2012, the Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Library of Boston College became the first to place Alma, the library services platform created by Ex Libris, into production use. The library migrated from an Aleph system in place since 2000. Boston College had been working with Ex Libris since mid-2009 as a development partner, testing each incremental release of the software, and providing constructive feedback. The library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, with a staff numbering around 120, and a collection of 3.5 million volumes.
Breeding, Marshall. Ex Libris: Alma, Aleph, and Primo. March 2012. Smart Libraries Newsletter. Ex Libris has made progress across multiple products. There have been developments with Alma, its new unified resource management platform, Aleph, one of its integrated library systems, and with its Primo discovery product.
. Ex Libris announces the cloud-based Alma Library Management Service. January 6, 2011. . Ex Libris announced that the company’s next-generation library management solution has been named Ex Libris Alma. Harnessing the Unified Resource Management (URM) framework, Alma supports the entire range of library operations—selection, acquisition, metadata management, digitization, and fulfillment—for all library materials, regardless of their format or location. The Ex Libris Alma solution accelerates libraries' move toward next-generation services by consolidating, optimizing, and extending library workflows. Alma consolidates the disparate systems used by today’s libraries to manage print, electronic, and digital resources. Alma’s cloud infrastructure helps libraries improve their operational efficiency through data sharing and collaboration. As a result, libraries can focus their resources on extending services within and outside the institution and on supporting the institution’s teaching and research missions. The general release of the Alma solution is scheduled for early 2012.
January 16, 2025. Clarivate to partner with San Diego Circuit to create a new consortial borrowing experience. Clarivate announced that San Diego Circuit, a dynamic consortium of academic and public libraries, has entered into a development partner agreement with Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, to develop a new consortial borrowing experience. For nearly thirty years, the Circuit has enabled all residents of San Diego county to make use of the collections of member libraries. By streamlining the user experience and simplifying staff workflows this collaboration is expected to enhance the benefits for San Diego county residents.
January 14, 2025. Ex Libris introduces ebook resource sharing with Rapido. Digital access is no longer a convenience – it's an expectation. With the growing demand for ebooks, libraries have been searching for a way to share these resources seamlessly. Starting January 2025, Ex Libris Rapido's new ebook resource sharing feature will allow libraries to lend ebooks within their networks, meeting the growing demand for digital content. Supporting both DRM-free and DRM-restricted models – depending on the content provider and publisher
January 14, 2025. Ex Libris launches Library Open Workflows Development Partnership Program. In late November Ex Libris marked a significant milestone with the launch of its Library Open Workflows solution development partnership program. This inaugural kick-off event brought together members from 12 development partner institutions spanning the USA, Europe, Great Britain, and Australia.
January 9, 2025. Ex Libris Showcases AI Innovations Shaping the Future of Libraries in 2025. Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, is kicking off 2025 by showcasing its AI service innovations on a new dedicated webpage. The resource highlights an initial set of AI-based tools, developed in close collaboration with the academic community, designed to enhance library operations and user experiences. These solutions demonstrate Ex Libris' commitment to delivering top-tier services that enhance research, improve student learning outcomes, and increase staff productivity.
January 6, 2025. Shaping the Future of Content and Metadata Management. In the digital age, libraries face the challenge of managing vast amounts of content and metadata. This task is becoming increasingly important as digital resources grow and user expectations evolve. Without a quality content and metadata management strategy, both vendors and libraries risk significant inefficiencies. Effective management ensures users can easily find and access the information they need, supports academic and research activities, and enhances the overall user experience.
January 2, 2025. Ex Libris Users in Mexico gather together for XXVII Annual Meeting. The XXVII Annual Meeting of the Ex Libris Users Group in Mexico brought together library professionals and experts to discuss the latest advancements and future directions in library technology. More than 60 attendees from 15 libraries attended the event to gain insight into the importance of emerging technologies such as AI, the value of practical tools, and several strategic service implementations.
January 2, 2025. University of Central Florida becomes the 150th Rapido Library. The resource-sharing community has reached an important milestone: 150 libraries are now working together to make their collections more accessible and their services more efficient. The University of Central Florida joins as the 150th library, bringing its dedication to improving how users access the materials they need.
December 23, 2024. Artificial Intelligence Blog Series: Harnessing Academic AI Insights from Clarivate. academic landscape is evolving rapidly and artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of this transformation. From enhancing search capabilities to streamlining cataloging processes and improving metadata management, AI is reshaping how libraries interact with and organize information. At Clarivate™, we are committed to harnessing the power of Academic AI to drive research excellence, boost library productivity and foster better learning outcomes.
December 23, 2024. UC Libraries renew Ex Libris contract for two years, launch collaborative improvement project. The SILS Leadership Group announces the successful renewal of our contract with Ex Libris Group for the Alma/Primo VE software suite and a new two-year collaborative improvement project.
December 19, 2024. Alma continues to deliver, flourish and grow. As 2024 winds down, Alma celebrates yet another year of success. To accomplish this feat, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, continues to work in close collaboration with its customer community to ensure that Alma remains the most effective library services platform and helps libraries achieve greater efficiency.
Dec 04, 2019 ProQuest Acquires Innovative Interfaces
In a move that further consolidates the library technology industry, Ex Libris has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Innovative Interfaces, Inc. from its private equity investors. Since December 2015, Ex Libris has been owned by ProQuest. In addition to its role as a major content provider to libraries, ProQuest is now responsible for a growing portfolio of library technology products, including major systems for resource management, content discovery, materials acquisition, reading list integration, and research services. While ProQuest faces major competition for each of its product categories, this move substantially strengthens its position in the sector and broadens its scope to include public libraries.
May 17, 2019 Atairos makes investment in ProQuest
ProQuest and Atairos, an independent private company focused on supporting growth-oriented businesses, announced that Atairos will acquire an ownership position in ProQuest. ProQuest will use the proceeds from the transaction to repurchase most of the shares owned by entities affiliated with the Merchant Banking Division of Goldman Sachs, which will retain a minority interest in the Company. Cambridge Information Group will maintain its majority ownership of ProQuest. CIG has been the majority owner of ProQuest since 2007, overseeing a period of growth through new product innovation and strategic acquisitions that have helped ProQuest customers respond to changing environments.
Dec 15, 2015 Ex Libris acquired by ProQuest
ProQuest, an information solutions provider central to global research, has completed its acquisition of Ex Libris Group, a leading global provider of cloud‑based solutions for higher education.
Apr 30, 2015 Ex Libris acquires oMbiel, a leading provider of mobile campus solutions
Ex Libris has expanded its product portfolio by acquiring oMbiel, a leading UK-based SaaS platform provider of mobile and portal solutions for higher education. campusM, oMbiel’s flagship product, enables educational institutions to deliver services and information to prospective, enrolled, and graduating students, as well as other campus audiences, through a high-quality user experience. Mobile access to information and services as provided by campusM is now a basic expectation of users, particularly the new generation of mobile-first students.
Oct 16, 2012 Golden Gate Capital acquires Ex Libris from Leeds Equity Partners for $300 million
Golden Gate Capital, a prominent San Francisco-based private equity firm with $12 billion in capital under management, has entered into an agreement to acquire Ex Libris from its current owner, Leeds Equity Partners.
Feb 08, 2010 Ex Libris acquires Fujitsu Services A/S library division
Ex Libris acquires the Fujitsu Services A/S library division--the exclusive distributor of Ex Libris products in Denmark and Sweden--and the assumption of all interaction with the Company’s approximately 200 customer institutions in these countries. The newly opened Ex Libris Scandinavia office is part of the continually expanding Ex Libris worldwide organization.
Aug 05, 2008 Leeds Equity Partners acquires Ex Libris Group
Ex Libris Group announced that Leeds Equity Partners, the largest fund focused exclusively on investing in knowledge industry companies, has completed the acquisition of the Ex Libris Group. Silver Point Capital L.P. provided acquisition financing for Ex Libris. Value of transaction estimated at $170 million.
Nov 21, 2006 Francisco Partners acquires Endeavor Information Systems from Elsevier
The Ex Libris Group, a leading worldwide developer and provider of high-performance applications for libraries and information centers, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Francisco Partners, one of the world's largest technology-focused private equity funds, for the acquisition of 100% of the Company's shares. This acquisition will enable Ex Libris to continue expanding its geographical reach and explore acquisition opportunities for complementary products in the library automation and e-resource markets.
Jun 26, 2006 Francisco Partners acquires Ex Libris for $62 million
Francisco Partners, a private equity firm based in Menlo Park, CA with about $5 billion under management, purchased 100% of Ex Libris Group. Previous owners included venture capital firms Walden Israel and Tamar Technologies; the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and current and former company executives.
Aug 2005 Azriel Morag retires from Ex Libris
Azriel Morag retires from Ex Libris, selling his interest in the company.
May 11, 2003 Matti Shem Tov appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Ex Libris
Ex Libris Ltd. announced that Matti Shem Tov will be heading the expanding global operations of the company as its new president and CEO, effective immediately.
Jan 28, 2002 Ehud Arad steps down as President of Ex Libris
Ex Libris Ltd. announced that Ehud Arad, President is stepping down. Mr. Arad was a founder of the company and the year just completed, year 2001, was a year in which Ex Libris, on a worldwide basis, made substantial achievements, and serves as a an excellent conclusion to Mr. Arad's leadership of Ex Libris.
Apr 2000 Elsevier Science acquires Endeavor Information Systems
In April 2000, the founders of Endeavor Information Systtems sold the company to Elsevier Science, an Amsterdam-based multinational publisher of scientific scholarly literature.
1999 Walden Israel and Tamar Ventures invest in Ex Libris Group
Two Israel-based VC firms, Walden Israel and Tamar Ventures, invested a total of $4 million in the company. This investment provided the two firms seats on the Ex Libris board of directors.
Jul 1997 Ex Libris acquires Dabis, a German company offering the BIS library automation system
Ex Libris acquired the German company Dabis, which had a three hundred-library customer base using its BIS system.
1996 Company reorganized as Ex Libris group
The company reorganizes as Ex Libris Group, which stood as the parent company for a growing number of subsidiaries and distributors around the globe.
1995 Yissum Aleph and Ex Libris, Ltd. merge into a single company
Yissum Aleph, owned by Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ex Libris, Ltd., owned by Morag, merge, taking the Ex Libris identity.
Nov 14, 1994 Endeavor Information Systems founded
Endeavor Information Systems, Inc., came into existence in November 1994, when it acquired the Voyager Library Series from MARCorp. Endeavor provided support for the existing version of Voyager, but the company immediately began the creation of a new client/server system of its own design.
1986 Ex Libris, Ltd. founded
Ex Libris, Ltd., was formed in 1986 to market and support the software outside of Israel, allowing Aleph Yissum to focus on the software development and to support its use by Israel-based libraries.
1983 Aleph Yissum founded to commercialize ALEPH
Yissum, the technology transfer department of Hebrew University of Jerusalem, hires Azriel Morag to commercialize the ALEPH software, launching a new company called Aleph Yissum.
1980 ALEPH software created at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Ex Libris began in 1980 as an effort to create software to automate the libraries of HUJ. Its software, Automated Library Expandable Program or ALEPH-100
[Data source: text supplied for the annual Library Systems Report]
With more than four decades of experience and innovation, Ex Libris, part of Clarivate, has taken our customers on a journey from Aleph to AI. Today our holistic Open Library Platform supports management of library workflows and connects librarians, researchers and students to trusted content, digital and physical resources, curated reading lists and to all library services. Our solutions enhance the library experience and make a measurable impact on student outcomes. We do this by leveraging the power of our global user-group communities across 94 countries, 80 national libraries and 6000+ institutions.
Through Alma, our holistic library services platform, and Primo, our advanced discovery tool, the value of the library is elevated in measurable ways – not only among students and faculty, but institution wide. With Rapido, our resource sharing solution, we connect libraries and global communities to ensure cost-effective access to sought-after materials and resources. Opportunities have emerged for libraries to be embedded in teaching and learning through integration of tools such as Leganto, a course reading solution for instructors, librarians and students, and the campusM platform serving as a vital link between students and campus life. Rosetta combines digital asset management and digital preservation into one simplified solution specifically designed for libraries.
In partnership with our user community, Ex Libris is disrupting the industry with the Next Discovery Experience which provides immediate answers to natural language queries and provides enhanced visibility into accurate, inspiring, peer-reviewed resources and trusted references. Our vision for conversational discovery and linked open data is to not only proliferate knowledge-based insight into research topics; we are developing AI tools to elevate the impact of libraries in teaching and learning across academic, government and municipal environments.
Our development of generative AI-powered discovery in Primo, based on full-text ProQuest content, into the research and learning process will meet the needs of future users while emphasizing transparency, proper accreditation, and intellectual property rights. By giving immediate answers to natural language queries and offering visibility into sources and references, libraries can empower users with a seamless and trustworthy discovery experience in alignment with institutional scholarly goals.
At Ex Libris, the use of AI technology solves the real challenges of real students, librarians, and researchers. We focus on the need for privacy and intellectual property considerations, and above all, we understand the importance of using trusted scholarly content to generate results and information.
Being open is one of our core values; one we put into practice through extensive collaboration and transparency with our community. This means when you join our community (along with other librarians, users, developers and leaders from academic institutions, libraries, and technology powerhouses around the globe), YOUR expertise, experience, and opinions influence product development and shape the future of library software.
Our users are our strength, and we are constantly learning and benefiting from our vibrant, active, independent Ex Libris user groups. The Ex Libris community encompasses 4,000 library members, building upon decades of revolutionary collaboration which first resulted in Alma, the first unified, cloud-based library software system, and continues to influence future development of our tools, products, and services. This ensures that our products excel at meeting the most demanding needs, allowing us to deliver new enhancements and developments that deliver dependable, future-looking results.
Our Developer Network puts the user in the driver’s seat, allowing them to extend the capabilities of Ex Libris products to suit their unique and precise needs. Users can build their own solutions using APIs, technical integrations together with standards support. They can create and manage API keys and track API usage using a powerful reporting tool. Our Developer Network also offers tips and tricks, code samples, success stories, and the ability to share work with the community.
With our Idea Exchange, users can quickly share suggestions or review ideas already posted by other members. Our community votes for their favorite suggestions and the most popular ones are used to help improve our products.
In addition, the NERS (New Enhancements Request System) program is an easy-to-use tool that manages the submission of development requests for Ex Libris products. Members of IGeLU and ELUNA are eligible to submit requests and vote for those they endorse during product enhancement cycles. All documentation related to implemented ideas is published and shared with the community.
Beyond harnessing the collective knowledge and input of our community, we practice openness by breaking barriers to facilitate better collaboration for libraries and the communities they serve by:
Providing choice with ILS-agnostic solutions including Rapido to expand and modernize resource sharing and Leganto to integrate libraries into teaching and learning – while saving students money on required course resources.
Championing library impact with tools that integrate throughout the higher education ecosystem to help libraries better support institutional goals and prove and communicate ROI to all stakeholders.
Innovating with AI in areas like linked open data and conversational discovery to promote deeper and more intuitive research abilities, connecting students and researchers with trusted content sources.
Prioritizing accountability by investing in security and standard certifications; publishing quarterly product roadmaps; and being available 24/7 around the world to answer questions, provide advice, and offer support.
More than 2700 institutions have now selected the Alma unified resource management platform. This milestone is the result of 180+ additional libraries of various sizes and types choosing Alma in 2023 and 500+ since 2021.
2023 new partnership highlights include:
As we continue to create innovative solutions for emerging challenges faced by libraries and their academic communities, we work closely with our user groups to consistently update and upgrade our existing portfolio, purposefully leveraging the latest technologies, ensuring robust security and accessibility standards, and enhancing usability on the front and backends to demonstrably advance library impact and ROI.
Throughout 2023, our teams and user groups have been working in close collaboration to plan how we will develop and implement innovative updates to our library solutions. Our ongoing projects carrying over into 2024 include UI enhancements for Alma, Primo, and Leganto.
In addition, the Alma product team completed its planned development for 2023 covering an array of features and functionalities spanning acquisitions, metadata management, resource management, fulfillment, and more, and is already working on developments for 2024 and 2025.
[View Narrative for 2022] [View Narrative for 2021] [View Narrative for 2020] [View Narrative for 2019] [View Narrative for 2018] [View Narrative for 2017] [View Narrative for 2016] [View Narrative for 2015] [View Narrative for 2014] [View Narrative for 2013] [View Narrative for 2012] [View Narrative for 2011] [View Narrative for 2010] [View Narrative for 2009] [View Narrative for 2008] [View Narrative for 2007] [View Narrative for 2006] [View Narrative for 2005]